
Let's revert back to what happened earlier.


'Alright, I should rush to Uncle Li. Sweep down his foot. Then uppercut his chin' Ye Shie strategize.

Ye Shie, then rushed towards Scholar Li.

But when he saw Scholar Li in the distance instantly appear in front of him he panicked.

'!!!' He tried to jump up and the next thing he saw was an upside down world.


After coughing a mouthful of Air. Scholar Li looked at hanging Ye Shie above the tree. "Kid! what was that?" he shouted. Stood up, and went up the tree to retrieve Ye Shie. After finally on the ground Ye Shie sighed in relief.

"I-I don't know!" He nervously replied. "I-I was only rushing at you Uncle Li, but you appeared in front of me, so I panicked! and tried jumping up to dodge you." He looked at Scholar Li and said blamingly "By the way Uncle Li! Why did you attack us first, I thought we were just sparring?!"

Scholar Li was dumbfoundedly explained "Who attack who?! I was just standing there! Waiting for you guys to come to me!" he was really perplexed by the situation. 'Did I really attack them?' he thought, not knowing what's real or not.

Xiao Rou upon seeing the duo arguing smiled wryly. She went closer towards them and shouted "Both of you calm down!". Hearing those words, the duo woke up from their confusion and stifled emotions.

After contemplating for a moment. Scholar Li looked at Ye Shie and instructed "Kid, try rushing towards that tree." while pointing at the tree, 10 meters away from them.

Upon hearing Uncle Li's instruction, Ye Shie went silent. He looked at the tree, and rushed towards it.


A loud crashing sound was heard. With the addition of "Hurk!" and "Agh!". When the dust cleared out. The tree in the distance was blown apart. With the lying Ye Shie 5 meters behind it.

Scholar Li smiled and murmured "Divine Body indeed.". He looked at Xiao Rou and said "Little Rou, starting from now, You will only spar with me. For your boyfriend will have another training that I'll prepare for him."

Hearing the 'boyfriend' word from Scholar Li. Xiao Rou blushed and strongly denied "He's not my Boyfriend!"

Upon seeing her denied so strongly, Scholar Li lazily said "Alright~ Alright". He looked at the lying Ye Shie in the distance and said "Kid! Come back here"

Ye Shie stood up in daze, looking at his hand thinking 'W-well...this is weird'. He walked towards them, while still thinking 'Did my strength increase too much these days? I only cultivated regularly. I wonder what's wrong?'

When he arrived, Scholar Li again instructed "Alright try, punching that tree over there".

Ye Shie obliged and went to the tree next to them. He pulled his fist back and punched the tree with all of his strength.


An explosion went off. The tree in front of him went 10 meters back. Crashing everything along the way.

Ye Shie looked at his fist, Scholar Li nodded both saying at the same time "You/I need to control this strength." Seeing him noticing this Scholar Li smiled contedtedly.

Xiao Rou who was still preoccupied by her thoughts woke up by the explosion. Seeing the damage in front of her, she exclaimed in shock "Huup!! What happened here?" He looked at Ye Shie and angrily said "Did you do all this Stupid Ye Shie!!".

Both Ye Shie and Scholar Li looked at Xiao Rou thinking 'You did not see that!?'

Ye Shie nodded proudly and mockingly said"Hmph! Who's strong now Little Rou-Rou?"

Xiao Rou stood there dumbfounded. She gritted her teeth and unwillingly said "Y-you! Tsk!" she mumbled "Just you wait stupid Ye Shie! Hmph!"

"Alright enough bickering" Scholar Li said. He looked at Ye Shie and said "Kid, from now on you should train to control that raw strength of yours. Only when you control it, Can it be truly yours."

"Yes Uncle Li" Ye Shie nodded, and walked to the side, making Xiao Rou and Scholar Li frown.

'Now? I haven't said anything yet' Scholar Li stared blankly at Ye Shie.

He was about to call Ye Shie, when-

Ye Shie rushed forward. Stopping 5 meters in front of him. He stopped and contemplated for a bit. Then he rushed forward again, this time only 3 meters in.

He once again stopped and contemplated. When he rushed himself forward he only went 1 meter. He repeated this process again, until at the 7th try. He finally controlled it.

Testing his newfound control. He rushed '7 meters' in mind, and reached 7 meters exactly ahead. He experimented, doing 1 meter in front, 3 meters in the back, 4 meters, on the left, 10 meters on the right in a very fast pace. Repeating this process, with different distance and different directions.

Ye Shie continued until slowly only a shadowy blur of his figure can be seen.

After the moving for a minute. Ye Shie stopped in place contemplating for a bit, then he moved again, this time 2 shadowy blurs went in different reactions.

On the right blur, Ye Shie can be seen, contemplating. He rushed again. Only around this time 4 shadowy blurs in 4 different directions can be seen.

After a multitude of blurs, all he could reach was 8 blurs. At the upper right blur. Ye Shie can be seen, breathing roughly and sweating heavily.

After breathing for a while. He calmed down, and performed 4 blurs repeatedly. Until the shadowy blur slowly turned into a dark line, forming a figure at the end of a direction with each movement.

Scholar Li's mouth opened wide. His eyes almost popped out of his eyeballs. Staring at unbelief at the extreme situation in front of him. His trembling hands pointed at the scene and he said in horror "E-e-e-e-en-enlightenment!!" He shrieked loudly as if being raped.

Xiao Rou also has an opened mouth her mouth in shock, but due to her lack of knowledge. She only stood there staring dumbfoundedly at Ye Shie who was moving at blurring speed. 'C-can I do that?' She couldn't help but to compare herself to him, and upon realizing an answer. Her clenched fist slowly relaxed opened, and after a difficult internal struggle she whispered exhaustively "M-monster...hmph!"