The Strongest Battle

After beating up Ye Shie for a few minutes, Xiao Rou finally calmed down.

Ye Shie who was below her, heaved a sigh of relief, Thinking 'Although her punches won't injure me too much...but the feeling and intent behind those punches makes me shiver!'.

He hurriedly stand up and ran towards Scholar Li crying for help.

"Uncle Li! Help!! Xiao Rou beating me up!"

"Hmph!" Seeing Ye Shie's face uninjured Xiao Rou exclaimed in displeasure. 'Tsk! If only I have a talent like yours! Tsk!' then she also walked towards Scholar Li.

Seeing the duo coming towards him, Scholar Li sighed, he stood up and said "Alright, come over here and take you rest".

Ordering the servant in the distance to bring more tea and biscuits.


The duo reached the garden table set, and seeing the luxurious utensils, and the aromatic tea and the appetizing sweets, their eyes shone with happiness. For who wouldn't want sweets, specially if they're kids.

Then they began to eat lavishly when an "Ehem!" was heard from Scholar Li, prompting the duo to mind their table manners.

Surely enough, their table manners did change, although they began eating like how they practice, the consumption of the food was still fast, like how they did so without when their hungry.

Seeing the scene in front of him Scholar Li couldn't help but giggle thinking 'Kids'.

After eating and taking their fill, Ye Shie raised his hands up and asked "Uncle Li! Since you have explored the world longer than us. Can you tell us the most Strongest Battle that you've seen?"

Hearing the question, Xiao Rou's eyes also lit up in anticipation.

Scholar Li contemplated for a bit, and after arranging his thoughts he said

"It was in the Imperial Capital 10 years ago. When an assailant tried to assassinate the emperor's 2nd concubine. The assailant failed in his attempt, and fought the emperor himself! The emperor although a Peak Ranked Emperor Stage Expert fought with the assailant, The emperor was at a disadvantage from their very own first clash.

The emperor was flung backwards severely injured from their clash, and the assailant was about to strike the madam when 3 of the 10 Elder Guardians of the Fang Empire arrived. The assailant fought bravely against the 3 Elders on a stalemate. Due to that the Elders requested reinforcements causing the awakening and arrival of the 2 more Elder Guardians.

With 5 of them together, they fought together with the assailant. The battle was immense and horrifying. Anyone below the Peak Emperor Stage could not move and some weaker Mortal Cultivators in the Imperial Palace died!

After clashing for 2 hours, the elders finally found an opportunity that causes the assailant to be severely injured in retreat. Until today that assailant was still wanted throughout the whole Empire. That battle was the most Intense and Strongest battle I had ever seen in my entire life."

"Whoaa!!" sounds of exclamation rose from the duo and after calming down for a while Ye Shie asked "Uncle Li? Who was that assailant?"

"It was rumored to be Tang Sects previous Clan Master. It was investigated by the imperial palace and, they found out that Tang Zhan who was the Clan Master at that time already disappeared after Reaching the Emperor Stage. Until now it was unknown whether it was him or a different person."

"But Uncle Li? Why would he tried to assassinate the emperor's concubine?" Ye Shie curiously asked.

"The reason was unknown but some rumors spread out that, it was because the Empires 2nd Concubine secretly ordered the assassination of Tang Hua, Tang Zhan's only related family, his little sister. Due to that, It was conjectured that it was Tang Zhan who was the assailant at that time."

"Eh?! Why would that Emperors Concubine wanted Tang Hua dead?" this time it was Xiao Rou who asked.

"There are many types of speculation, some said it was because the 2nd Concubine got jealous of Tang Hua's beauty, some even said that Tang Hua seduced the Emperor, some even went to the point of exaggeration saying that Tang Hua was the Emperors long lost sister!" Saying the final rumor Scholar Li couldn't help but giggle.

The duo inhaled deep breaths, calming themselves down, from thinking further about this case.

"So that's it. That's enough rest, you guys should continue sparring." Scholar Li looked at Ye Shie and instructed "Kid! Hold back! Use a hundredth of your power, give the lady a chance." Hearing such words, Xiao Rou flinched and "Tske'd" in annoyance and displeasure.

Hearing Xiao Rou's Tsk Scholar Li consoled "Little Rou, it's not that I am looking down on you. It's just that your boyfriend's talent is too freaky and strong. Please don't be angry Little Rou. The point of sparring is that for the both of you to accumulate combat experience. Alright Little Rou?"

Xiao Rou flustered from hearing the boyfriend for a bit, but she didn't deny it, instead She just "Hmph" and returned to the open field in the garden.

Ye Shie as if hearing nothing bowed at Scholar Li saying "Thanks for the Story and the Biscuit Uncle Li!" then he followed at Xiao Rou.


The duo with 5 distance apart, prepared their stances.

"Alrigh Rou, Like Uncle Li instructed, I will be only using a hundredth of my power..." He looked at her and said teasingly "I'm amazing right?"

Xiao Rou gritted her teeth and glared at the smug Ye Shie, thinking 'If only I have your talents! Tsk!' clenching her fist she shouted "Stop Bragging! Stupid Ye Shie! Come at me!!" she gestured with her hands.

Seeing Xiao Rou being so angry, Ye Shie stopped teasing her, afraid that something might go wrong.

He nervously gulped, then turned combat ready.

He rushed towards Xiao Rou, but this time. Since he was only Using a hundredth of his power, he now moves like how a normal 10 year old does, visible and normally fast.

Seeing the visible Ye Shie, Xiao Rou grinned and also rushed forwards meeting his punches with hers.

At the point of contact, Ye Shie tried to deflect Xiao Rou's Fist, and he counter attacked but to his suprise, his palm was parried by Xiao Rou free hand instead.

After a series of striking and parrying, the Ye Shie began to move forwards in offensive, making them both move backwards. Seeing the tree behind her, Xiao Rou swept her legs towards her, causing Ye Shie to dodge, revealing an opening in his defenseless stomach, which Xiao Rou Punched with all of her strength!

Ye Shie flung back for 5 meters, coughing a mouthful of air *Cough! "Rou! You cheated! You said no real punches or kicks! *Cough!"

To which Xiao Rou replied "That was meant for you DUMBASS!" a smug expression could be seen in her face.

Ye Shie stood up thinking 'This vile demon--' he stopped his thought for Xiao Rou was already in front of him, striking his face abruptly. Because of the suddenness of the situation, Ye Shie was flung back again!

He hurriedly stood up, and backed away until there is 10 meter distance in front of them. Touching his reddened face, he pointed at the grinning Xiao Rou and complained "You! YOU!! YOU Evil woman!!"

Then he disappeared, appearing behind Xiao Rou pinning her down to the ground tickling her side. Due to them sleeping together, Ye Shie found out that Xiao Rou was very ticklish, so using her weakness, he attacked.

Seeing Ye Shie disappeared and appearing behind her, she exclaimed "YOU! CHEATER!" before falling down towards the ground.

Sounds of pleasant laughter and "Staph!!" rang out from the garden.

From then on, the duo continued 'sparring' until the sun slowly set in the horizon.