You've Passed!

At night at the dining table,

This time only the child duo arrived,

Ye Shie with his face black and blue, ate silently and while pouting.

Xiao Rou, who was laughing at his discolored face, earlier after their 'Sparring' began to feel guilty.

She went closer to the pouting Ye Shie and said gently "Shie? Come on! Don't be mad~I said sorry already!"

Ye Shie continued eating gracefully, while feigning indifference towards Xiao Rou.

"Shie? Come on! Please! Stop sulking already! Sorry~" Xiao Rou tried using her beautiful face to soften Ye Shie's pouting heart.

Ye Shie looked at Xiao Rou's pesteri- apologizing and seeing her beautiful face did soften his heart,. Hence, he sighed in defeat and said "Alright! Alright! I forgive you~ Let's continue eating"

Hearing his forgiveness Xiao Rou brightened up and ate gracefully together with him.


At the same time, as the duo finished their sparing.

Scholar Li went to City Lord Bai's office, seeing him sitting in his desk busily scanning through his files, he bowed down saying "City Lord Bai?"

City Lord Bai, looked up and seeing Scholar Li he stood up, gesturing him to sit down "Come, sit." and asked "What business do you have Scholar Li?"

"City Lord Bai, I've long since conjectured that, You adopted Ye Shie due to his Divine Body correct?"

City Lord Bai nodded.

"I've been willing to ask, does Little Rou has a Divine Body too?" Hearing Scholar Li's words, City Lord Bai, and a beautiful Middle Age Woman at the sofa, stood up at the same time.

"C-could it be?" City Lord Bai nervously asked

"Yes, Seeing both of your reactions, I guess you did not know too" then Scholar Li greeted at Xiao Mei lightly bowing "Madam".

Xiao Mei responded politely lightly bowing "Scholar Li" while walking towards Xiao Bai.

"H-how?" Xiao Bai asked

"That, I do not know, but maybe it is because of Ye Shie." Scholar Li grimly replied.

Hearing the answer, the couple flinched and looked at each other, suddenly they both released a heavy murderous intent towards Scholar Li causing his shock and confusion.

Scholar Li coldly asked "What is the meaning of this Xiao Bai? Xiao Mei?"

City Lord Bai grimly said "Scholar Li? I asked that you form a heavenly oath to keep silent of what happened in this Manor"

Scholar Li, hearing such answer, finally calmed down.

He Looked at the couple, and sighed saying "You overprotective couples! Alright Alright calm down"

"With the heavens as the witness I hereby vow to never speak of this events in this manor. If I shall say so. Let heavens obliterate my soul!"

After that, deep within his soul consciousness, a golden star was formed along with many golden stars within it.

Hearing his oath and feeling the changes in Scholar Li's body, The Xiao Couple heaved a sigh of relief, then they bowed in gratitude at Scholar Li at the same time. City Lord Bai said "Thank You Scholar Li, For understanding our intentions. We just wanted for the kids to be safe. We thank you"

Scholar Li waved his arms around, and walked away.


Of course the perpetrator of this event doesn't know anything about what happened.

He is in his room, cultivating with Xiao Rou at the same time.

The absorbed Essence Qi was divided by Ye Shie into half, One for Body Cultivation and the Other for Qi Cultivation.

Feeling the Essence Qi in his body only filling up 1% Ye Shie frowned.

'This damn Purple Crytal!' Since he obtained this crystal, Ye Shie's smooth and fast cultivation progress slowed down in a snail paced.

For the Essence Qi he absorb, 99% of it was devoured by the Purple Crystal in his head.

Although this situation is hopeless, but the devoured energy in the Purple Crystal transforms into something that nourishes his soul.

And besides, Ye Shie was in no rush, and is just enjoying the comfortable and warm feeling of cultivation.

Opening his eyes, and seeing Xiao Rou who was in front of him also in lotus position meditating, Ye Shie smiled, thinking 'At least, I'm not alone in this journey'.

Then an Idea struck in his mind! 'What if, I can cultivate while sleeping?! Wouldn't that be awesome!' With that Idea as a foundation, Ye Shie began experimenting the process of absorbing Qi.

After continues trial and error, Ye Shie frowned 'Hmm...This doesn't seem to be working, I feel like it's lacking something, I wonder what it is?' Feeling something lacking made his heart itch, but alas, no matter how much he tried to come up with a solution nothing came up.

So he threw it at the back of his head and continued cultivating with Xiao Rou.

After Cultivating for 2 hours, the duo stopped and slept together peacefully.


2 months later,


After cultivating with Ye Shie for 2 months, Xiao Rou's body, became stronger and tougher every single day. Her body became more appealing, elegance and beautiful, things were starting to develop in proper places. And since the 1st week, she now started using Ye Shie's face altering technique to change her beautiful face into a mediocre one, albeit at first it was hard, but after training with Ye Shie, She finally mastered it.

And Ye Shie's body after 2 months became more refined, he became taller than the normal height of his age, his mucles were compressed making him look like a tall skinny teenager.

Confusingly, both their cultivation base remained at the Low Adept Stage, but their bodies strength surpassed their cultivation base by 2 stages. Meaning their body now has the capability of a Low Grand Master Stage.

After 1 month of cultivating together, Xiao Rou also learned the Altered Basic Refining Technique by Ye Shie.

Hence it made their cultivation faster, for they both cultivated the same Refining Technique.

The duo already mastered the noble's etiquette, even surpassing Scholar Li's elegance.

The Geography Examination ended with them passing both with perfect marks.

And cultivation examination went like this;

At the Garden Table Set, Ye Shie was alone with Scholar Li.

Scholar Li then said "Conclusively enumerate the cultivation stages that you've learned."

To which Ye Shie said "

Cultivation starts when an individual obtained a Refining Technique; Refining Techniques are divided into three categories two in the Mortal Realm, and one in the Heavenly Realm.

In the Mortal Realm, the Refining Techniques are divided into Body Refining Techniques, and Qi Refining Technique.

To Start with Cultivation, the cultivator must obtain these Refining Techniques.

Mortal Realm Cultivation; Feel and absorb the Qi in the atmosphere.

1st Apprentice Stage; Absorbs the Qi in the atmosphere; Fills the body with Normal Qi;

2nd Adept Stage; Fully Refines the Normal Qi into Essence Qi; Refines the bone and Muscle; Fill the Body with Essence Qi. Form Core in Dantian.

3rd Master Stage; Fully Refines the Essence Qi into Aura Qi; Refines the blood vessels, Heart and meridians; Fill the Body with Aura Qi. Core Transforms into Small Whirlpool.

4th Grand Master Stage; Fully Refines the Aura Qi into Liquid Qi; Refines the Nerves and the Brain; Fill the Body with Liquid Qi. Thicker and Denser Whirlpool

5th Expert Stage; Fully Refines the Liquid Qi into Profound Qi; Refines the Organs; Fill the Body with Profound Qi. Transform Core into Solid Crystal.

End of Mortal Realm Cultivation."

After Ye Shie, Xiao Rou with the same Question, resumed Ye Shie's answer;

"Heavenly Realm; After the cultivator reach the Peak of Mortal Realm the Peak Expert Stage, The cultivator then need to obtain a Soul Refining Technique,

6th King Stage; Refines Profound Qi into Soul Qi to Nourish the Soul; Fill the body with Profound Qi, and repeats the process of Nourishing and Refining. No further information given.

7th Emperor Stage; Same Process as the King Realm.

8th Saint Stage; No information given.

This is the end of my answer Uncle Li." Xiao Rou concluded.

Scholar Li nodded his head in agreement 'Although some answers in the Heavenly Realm are lacking, It's fine. They are still kids. They'll know when they reach the Heavenly Realm'

Then he called the Duo making them sit in front of him.

He then said "Oh how time, flies. 2 months earlier you kids were so uneducated with regards to cultivation and the world, but now?" He sighed with reminiscence.

Then showing his hands to them, 2 diploma's appeared.

He gave it the the stunned duo, and said while smiling "You've both passed, Congratulations!"

The Duo Excitedly received those papers with utmost care, looking into each other eyes and seeing the excitement within, The Duo walked out the Garden Table and ran into the open field and shouted "YEY!!" Hugging each other they celebrated, like couples do.

Seeing such reactions Scholar Li teared up a bit and smiled saying "Kids~"