A Simple Rune.

Ye Shie arrived at the City Lord's Manor. He went inside and walked towards the City Lord's Courtyard.

The City Lord's Courtyard is an open space, that is filled with flowers, paths, artificial hills, and rivers, and ponds with fishes on it. There are many Open Cottages in the City Lord's Manor, and Ye Shie upon seeing that it was empty, sighed in relief.

Sitting down on one of it's open cottages, he began to close his eyes. Remembering the Vast Information he just received.

'Using the Qi as the Ink, the air as the Paper, and the Mind as the the tool brush and the spirit for control.'

Ye Shie began absorbing the Qi in the atmosphere, filtering them above his skin, then controlling them towards the tip of his finger.

With his hands Glowing with golden color, he closed his eyes. Then after taking deep breaths he began writing the rune character for Wind (風), slowly with his fingers. At first, he began stroking the outward layers, but then then he stopped and frowned.

'Wait, something feels wrong' stopping the process causes the incomplete floating character in front of him to disappear.

'Hmm...I wonder what it is?' closing his eyes, he began contemplating.

After bouts and bouts of thoughts and ideas he finally opened his eyes, his face shock in realization.

'Ah! I should not start with layers, and I should not use my fingers. It will take to long to write it like that! I should do a preliminary form then fill them up with Qi!' as if intoxicated, Ye Shie smiled in content and continued again.

Then he closed, this time he put his palm in upward position, then began concentrating. Forming the Wind (風) in his mind, he began filling them up with Qi.

The Golden Qi that was within his hand slowly floated upwards in the air and beginning to form a floating Wind (風) Character.

After the character was formed, Ye Shie opened his eyes in excitement.

He then smiled, standing up, he celebrated "YES! I did it! Muahahahaha!" then he looked at the floating rune in his hand. Releasing it towards the sky.


With a swooshing sound the rune disappeared but as it disappears a gust of wind formed heading towards the direction the Rune disappeared into.

Ye Shie who was observing it below, clapped in excitement and awe "Whoaa! That's so cool! Let me try it again."

He calmed down first and sat down again, with this time he formed (火) fire in his mind.

He closed his eyes, his palms upwards. Then he began absorbing the Qi, filtering it above his skin, and smoothly guiding the Universal Qi above his palms forming the (火) Fire Rune Character.

Then he opened his eyes in happiness, he shrieking in excitement "YEAH!"

Releasing the Rune in the air, a blazing fire flew towards the sky, disappearing afterwards.

The Runes will last long, depending on the energy it was given, and the more powerful the energy, the greater the power of the Rune.

If another Formation Master, or another Rune Master would see this. They would gladly bang their heads towards the wall crying in grief and shrieking in anger and pain. Thinking that all their practices and training are for naught

Most Rune Masters needed years and years of practice. Forming the Rune, Controlling the Qi, Each of these steps requires strong will and spirit. With how simple Ye Shie did it, It may looked extremely easy, but in truth it requires deep and intense training.

That is one of the reasons why Rune Masters are so Rare in the entire Planet. And the reason that Most of the Formation Masters treads towards the Simple Regular Formation Master path.

Theoretically speaking, if one uses the Atmospheric Qi of forming a rune he or she can create runes infinitely. Due to Ye Shie, not using his Qi, but the Qi of the Atmosphere instead he can perform such actions infinitely, but it also depends on how strong his spirit and mind can handle it.

But this is only in theory for no one in the Mortal Realm or Heavenly Realm stages of cultivation can one control Qi so easily, and so smoothly, like how Ye Shie does.

Well, technically when the cultivation base is high enough, performing such fine control could be possible. But that is only when if the cultivation base is above Heavenly Realm. So frankly speaking, Throughout the whole planet, beside those that has cultivation base above Heavenly Realm, the only personage who have such fine controls are those rare Top Ranked 9th Rune Formation Masters.


Ye Shie then began testing his limits, he first formed two Characters in his mind, with the same process he began filling them up with Qi. Seeing that he succeded at first try, Ye Shie smiled. He released them towards the pond in the distance, creating a splash of water disturbing the fishes therein.

Then he tried 4, closing his eyes again. Repeating the same process, he opened them and seeing the 4 floating Runes in front of him he smirked puffing his chest out.

Releasing them upwards a blazing fire erupted causing the temperature to rise for a moment.

Then he tried 8, with the same process he succeeded, releasing them to create a heavy gust of wind.

With 16, Ye Shie began frowning for a bit, but then a Dim Purple Glow began lighting in the center of his forehead. After that Glow disappeared, Ye Shie's frowned disappear then with the same process again, he opened his eyes and seeing the clustered 16 runes in front of him he smiled.

He closed both of his hands making the 16 runes disappear as if it never existed in the first place.

Then he tried 32, this time Ye Shie not only frowned, but he also sweated for a bit.

But then a bright purple light shone in the center of his forehead. After a frowning and sweating along with the disappearance of the Purple Light, Ye Shie sighed in relief.

He opened his eyes and upon seeing the 32 clustered floating runes in front of him again, He Smiled excitedly. He closed both of his hands again making the runes disappear.

Forming 64 runes signifies that one is now considered a Rank 3 Rune Master. To be a Rank 3 Rune Formation Master, One should form those runes into a formation, else he only is a Rune Master and not a Rune Formation Master.

This time, Ye Shie gritted his teeth in concentration, forming and controlling 64 objects at the same time, causes a huge tax on the mind and the spirit. Do not forget that Ye Shie is only at the Adept Stage (2). With his Qi only at the Essence Form, Ye Shie began sweating profusely while continuing.

A Glaring Purple Bright Light erupted at the center of his forehead, covering all of his face.

As soon as the Purple Bright Light disappeared, his jaws relaxed, and his face calmed down again. The Absorption of the Qi hastened, the filtered Golden Qi began floating towards the Air, filling up 64 same kind of Wind Characters (風) hovering in front of him.

This time, the runes were smaller and more firmer, if one could look closely as soon as the Golden Qi began injecting itself towards the characters, the Golden color transformed itself into pure Green.

Unlike earlier, which the character were colored based on the Qi.

Ye Shie looked at the pure Green floating Runes in front of him in daze.

Because of being in daze, Ye Shie forgot to control the 64 Runes releasing them all at the same time.


An explosive wind sprang in front of him, causing him to tumbled down 5 meters backwards, destroying the Open Cottage where he and Xiao Rou sat down yesterday.

Luckily those Runes were not powered up strongly, else maybe the City Lord's Courtyard would've been blown away.


Hearing such explosions, The Xiao Couple was alerted. Teleporting towards the Courtyard and seeing the destroyed cottage with Ye Shie staring at it dumbfoundedly, they returned back to their room, as if not seeing something.


Ye Shie upon regaining his balance, looked towards the place where he and Xiao Rou first kissed intentionally.

Upon seeing the destroyed cottage, a tingling sensation crawled up in his spine. Imagining what Xiao Rou would do to him, Ye Shie gulped hard, sweating nervously he thought,

'I'm dead.'