Arrows no more!

Ye Shie who was surrounded by a Rank 4 protective barrier, was continuously gaining enlightenment. Sitting down in a meditative stance, Ye Shie outwards hands directly changed upwards.

The neatly arranged 64 floating Runes in front him, slowly transformed into something else.

The (風) wind character, slowly melted becoming an unidentified green floating liquid with no specific shape.

Slowly the 64 altered Runes began coalescing together into one.

The movement was quite slow, and shaky, but it was slowly forming into one entity.

In Ye Shie's forehead, the dim purple light became brighter.

With his brows in deep frown, Ye Shie continued his experimentations without noticing the dumbfounded looks of Formation Master Zhang Xi, Formation Master Shen Sao Bai, and Formation Guild Master Zhang Se.


The big floating green liquid slowly formed into a big (風 Wind) Character in front of Ye Shie.

Then as if alive, it began squirming. Upon closer look, the squirming 風 Character slowly but surely began compressing itself.

At first it was unnoticeable, but a minute later, the two meter 風 character became, one meter.

Then with another minute, it's size reduced again in half. So on, until 2 minutes later. The 2 meter 風 Character returned to its original palm size.

If one doesn't look closer, they might not notice the difference between this new rune and the old one. But upon closer look, if one look at it minutely. The lines of the Character became more solid and firm, unlike it's previous counterpart which has a translucent feel to it.

The shade and texture became more radiant, glowing translucently in green.

Feeling the newly formed rune hovering above his palm, Ye Shie smiled. He mumbled "So it's like this..."

His smile disappeared as he began to concentrate again.

The refined 風 Character, once again melted into that undefined and shapeless liquid form.

Then it began to move, separating itself into 64 parts. Those parts began arranging themselves neatly in front of Ye Shie. Then they slowly expanded, and at the same time slowly transformed into that 風 character again individually.

Some of the 64 were changing much more slowly than the rest, some were ahead, while most were transforming at the same time.

After roughly 5 breaths of time. The 64 individual green liquid transformed into that same 風 character once again.

This time Ye Shie smiled again. Still with his eyes closed.

Then a thought came into him. 'What if I form these into arrows...Wouldn't that be great?! I would never run out of arrows ever again! Hahaha!' ecstatic from this Idea, Ye Shie began concentrating ones again.

In most cases, nobody would even dare to think of changing a rune in the first place. Because, Number one, the control and difficulty maintaining these Runes is already hard enough, nobody has the spare time and ability to even change it.

Second, In regular cases...Wait let me rephrase that.

In all of the Cases, the Qi required to create and sustain these runes should come from the cultivator themselves, not like a specific kid who 'borrows' and 'controls' the Atmospheric like his own.

And So maintaining and controlling these runes drains the Cultivator's Qi and Focus. Not many... *Ehem* no one has the talent and ability to perform such acts, in the Mortal Realm.

It is possible to perform this act though, but the Cultivation Base should at least be at Demi God Stage(8) or above.


Soon the 64 floating Wind character, once again turned into that formless green liquid.

Then as if controlled, the middle part portion of the 64 runes, began transforming. They were the first to transform into a line with a small sphere in both ends.

And then, one by one, every 64 runes began transforming their shapes into that line.

This time, Ye Shie was not only furrowing his brows intensely, he was also gritting his teeth. Imagine the tax it requires to control, 64 different things at the same time.

Fortunately, the Purple Light in the middle of his forehead began increasing its brightness, Almost covering the upper part of his face.

Slowly but surely, the middle part of the 64 Lines began transforming ones again. This time the small sphere in one end became a triangular shape, slowly transforming itself like an arrow tip.

The back end sphere of the line was also transforming into something like a feather tip of an arrow.

After roughly a minute, the first few portions of the 64 Runes in front of him became a green floating arrow. Hovering along those still transforming.

Then one by one, the Runes were slowly forming into an arrow.


5 minutes later,

The shinning purple light in his forehead dimmed down.

Ye Shie who's back is drenched in sweat, smiled proudly. Feeling the 64 floating Green arrows in front of him, Ye Shie couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. 'Hehe~ I don't have any problems with arrows anymore~'

Then the 64 green arrows began grouping together, as if in a quiver.

With this, Ye Shie who was sitting down, stood up.

He controlled one of it to flew towards his hand. Holding the green arrow down, Ye Shie couldn't help but exclaim. '...I can't grab it!'

Seeing the arrow in his hand, but not sensing it's texture, Ye Shie shoulders flopped down, trembling.

Although he can control it. He couldn't hold it.

He began frowning, thinking 'Where did I go wrong?'

In actual truth, although he transformed the Rune into an arrow, it is still a rune in its core. And like other runes, it can only be assimilated upon or be released upon, It can neither be touched or held with.

Then as if realizing something, Ye Shie's eyebrows shot up.

'Oh!!' face palming himself, Ye Shie thought 'If I couldn't touch it! I could just feel it!'

Then he once again he closed his eyes.

When he did, the 64 floating arrows disappeared.

Inhaling and exhaling deeply for a bit Ye Shie left hand moved forward. Grabbing something in the air, Ye Shie's left palm faced upwards.

Then he gathered the atmospheric Qi, the Gold Universal Qi smoothly moved through his palm. Then a green formless liquid began to form above his hand.

This time, it only took a second for the Green Liquid to form into an Arrow.

Imagining holding an arrow in his hand Ye Shie nocked it towards his imaginary bow. Strangely enough, the floating Green arrow followed Ye Shie's thoughts as if a real solid arrow.

Pulling the strings of his imaginary bow. Ye Shie smiled, Releasing the string.


A swoshing sound erupted, as the floating arrow in Ye Shie's hand moved like an arrow does.

The arrow immediately clashed with the Rank 4 Protective Barrier.

And as the arrow and barrier met. The arrow pierced through easily, penetrating the Rank 4 Protective Barrier like a paper.

Soon the arrow flew towards the wall.

And when the arrow came contact with the wall.


A bright silver light erupted from the wall, forcibly stopping the arrow in it's tracks.

The silver light and the green arrow clashed!

One wanted to stop the penetrating force, while the other persistently fought back.

Energies exploded, as the power within the green arrow slowly weakened.

And after a few seconds, things finally calmed down.

The light faded, and the arrow disappeared, but a gaping hole can be seen on the wall of the Rank 5 Formation Master's Guild.

After a moment of silence,

"Muahahaha! I won't have to buy arrows anymore! Hahaha!" a heartfelt laugh could be heard.