Inscribed Stone

Inscribed Stone was one of the most common materials among Regular or Rune Formation Masters.

If a Regular Formation Master uses this, the Regular Formation Master would use his own Qi to fill the stone with his Qi, making it the base or joints of the their formations.

It is mostly used to connect the dots, to make the formation more powerful and easier to control.

While if a Rune Formation Master uses this, the Rune Formation Master would inscribe his own specific rune to produce varying effects. Like, when a fire rune is inscribe. A non-Rune Master could use a fire rune thanks to this.

It is mostly used on wars and skirmishes. It's greatest threat is when, an Inscribe stone was filled with 'Explode(爆) and Fire(火)' causing an explosive fire that could be used when one's life is in danger.

Of course, the higher the quality of the Stone, the greater Qi or Rune it can hold.


Upon hearing Ye Shie's strange reason Kein became dumbfounded again.

'W-what? A Formation Master that requires gold?'

If this were to be known, that Formation Master would become a laughing stalk in the entire City!

Who doesn't know that, Like becoming an Alchemist or blacksmith, Formation Masters grinds money like air. The Money that a full-fledge Formation Master needs is tremendous. Not to mention the wasted materials in their practices.

Hence, it is common sense, that if one wanted to either be of those 3 occupations, one should have a sizable income.

But upon further thought,

'Silly me!' facepalming himself, Kein calmed down and he looked at the blushing Ye Shie thinking 'He's a Rune Formation Master alright~ Haha!'

In the Formation Master's Circle, there is also a well known fact that, 'if one wanted to be a formation Master without expenses, they should try becoming a Rune Formation Master instead.'

Alas! Many have tried but very fe--Very Very!! Minutely!! Sparsely! were successful.

The difficulty of becoming a Rune Formation Master was exponentially higher that being a Regular one.


Kein's countenance changed from business-like to uncle like. With his dejected mood gone, his kind personality revealed itself.

'So they're having a date huh~' looking at the flustered Ye Shie, with Xiao Rou glaring and questioning him about his earlier actions.

Kein couldn't help but laughed out loud "Hahahahaha!"

Kein continued "Alright Young Master I'll help you."

Seeing Kein laughing abruptly, Xiao Rou took a step back behind Ye Shie, while Ye Shie stared at Kein in confusion thinking 'Has Mister Gone Mad?' but upon hearing his next words, Ye Shie's eyes beamed and he bowed "Thank You Mister? uhh?"

"Kein, Young Master?" Kein politely replied and asked while inviting Ye Shie to shake hands with him.

"Shie! Ye Shie!" to which Ye Shie responded excitedly.

"Okay Young Master Shie, I'll give you a set of inscribe stones for free, and I'll buy the inscripted ones according to the market price alright?"

This time it was Ye Shie who nodded vigorously.

Xiao Rou behind him, couldn't help but chuckle at the duos actions. 'Exactly what happened earlier, just now in reverse.'


Kein allocated an empty room behind their store for Ye Shie to work in. This room, was clean and only has a working table with 4 chairs.

Giving Ye Shie a case full of 12 stones, neatly arranged with cushions in every stones. This was to make sure that these stones were in their best quality.

Ye Shie sat down in one of the chairs, excitedly opening the case.

Xiao Rou who was sitting beside him, couldn't help but ask, "Shie?! What are these?"

Xiao Rou, already knows that Ye Shie succeeded the test earlier based on his earlier expression when he walked out the Examination Room. What she didn't know are these things, since she never studied formations.

Holding the white stone in hand Ye Shie explained "These are Inscribe stones. If a Rune Formation Master Inscribe their Runes in it, it can be very very very useful for non Rune Masters! If Regular Formation Master uses this..." then Ye Shie explained the basics of everything he knows to Xiao Rou patiently.

Xiao Rou who listened earnestly throughout nodded in awe.

Then she looked at him and as if realizing something.

"H-hey... Did we just went here just because you have no money?" Hearing Xiao Rou's spot on question, Ye Shie couldn't help but jerked slightly. With his back beginning to perspire, he began scratching the back of his head saying "Noooo..."

Being suspiciously stared at by Xiao Rou, Ye Shie gave up.

He sighed and told her while looking down "Rou...I-I'm sorry, I have no money as of yet" Still looking down, he didn't notice the heartfelt smile of Xiao Rou.

Ye Shie continued "b-but don't worry! I'll obtain money fast! J-j-just wait" when he raised his head up only to see that infectious smile that always makes his heart warm and flutter, Ye Shie stared at her in daze.

Xiao Rou, released her pent up emotions!

Shee lounged towards Ye Shie and began hugging and kissing him while giggling!

"You Stupid Shie! We can always ask allowance from mother and father--" remembering the events earlier at breakfast, Xiao Rou's happy face froze.

Ye Shie who was in her embrace, and was being kissed as such blushed with his heart pounding faster.

The duo froze in for each others embraced, and after a moment,

The duo finally calmed down and separated.

Xiao Rou's thoughts were 'No! I-I!' looking at Ye Shie who was staring at her in daze she thought 'No! I-I-I don't want to be your sister!'

While Ye Shie thoughts were 'W-why do you always make my heart beat weirdly?'

Then as if coordinated the Duo shook their heads, to remove their thoughts at the same time.

Silence reigned for a moment, then

"Hahahaha! Stupid Shie! We can always date without money Dumb Shie!" Xiao Rou laughed teasingly at the pouting Ye Shie.

"Che! Then don't date me then! Hmph!" This time it was Ye Shie's turn to be salty.

"Hehe~"Giggling Xiao Rou continued teasing Ye Shie, until Kein arrive to check on Ye Shie's progress.

With both of them finally calmed down. Ye Shie started his Rune Inscription process