The Corner Store

Tripar and Rywar were on their way to the corner store when all of a sudden they hear a scream from the other side of the street which said "You guys wanna hit this Juul it's mint chocolate flavor and has no tobacco in it." Tripar then said "Sure." And in a extremely quiet voice muttered "Jesus Christ what a fucking cunt." As they crossed the street they noticed that the kid was also on a Segway and Rywar also added "Fucking Christ even I think he's a cunt.". When they got up to the kid he blew out a giant puff of smoke and handed Tripar the Juul, once Tripar got the Juul he immediately threw it onto the ground and stomped on it till it broke and ran off expecting the kid to chase after him, but instead the kid just got on his knees and started crying, wailing "my Juul dude, why did it have to break." And Tripar and Rywar started laughing and yelling "Hahaha, you fucking cunt it's just a goddamn vape, hahahahaha." And they continued to the corner store. Once they were at the corner store they went and got a bunch of bandages, hydrogen peroxide, food and water and went up to the cashier to check out and asked him where the switchblades were and the cashier said "the switchblade are behind the postcards in the back of the store." All of a sudden a midget dressed like a gangster with a tall cone shaped hat jumped through the window and pointed a gun at them and said "oi I herd you two was hevin a little chat with Tupac and Biggie, ya cunts I'll blow ya faces off for that." And with a very high pitched baby sounding voice yelled "YOU WILL NEVER FIND THAT STONE!" After he said this Tripar, Rywar And the cashier bursted out into laughter and the midget responded "oh you think that's so funny." and shot at the but completely missed and they all started laughing at him and said "yes." And Tripar shot him in the face. After about an hour of laughing they finally settled themselves down and went over to the small person and looked through his ID and found out that he was working with Michael Stevens and was sent out to try to stop them from getting the stone by killing them, which obviously was a bad idea, Tripar picked up the gun that the midget was holding and all of his ammo and handed the gun to Rywar without the bullets to make him feel useful without the possibility of Rywar killing himself, because he had attempted to many times before. Once they left they were on the way home when another on of Michael Steven's goons came up to try to stop the, unlike the last one this goon actually looked like he would be a problem, the goon spoke, "hello, Tripar and Rywar, my name is Jake Rober and I have been sent to kill you, any last words." As soon as he stopped speaking Rywar blurted out, "HELLO VSAUCE MICHAEL HERE, WHERE ARE YOUR FINGERS." And all of a sudden they heard a gunshot and instead of them being shot this goon had been shot they looked to their right and saw a familiar face. "Is that really who I think it is." Said Tripar, then the voice said "Yes my children it is me, Bernie Sanders, and I have come to warn you about your journey for the Lost Stone, now please get in my car." The car he was referring to was actually the back of an old camper van that had been sloppy taped to the front of a school bus. They got in without worrying if this was actually Bernie, but luckily for them it was actually him. As they drove away Bernie asked them if they had really been visited by Tupac and Biggie they said yes and then Bernie said "Oh my God, so the prophecy really has come true you are about to become a god." Tripar asked about the prophecy and what it was. Bernie said "The prophecy reads that one day a man and his gay crackhead dog would meet with the ghost of Tupac and Biggie and would be sent on a journey to get the Lost Stone and would become a god to then have the final fight with a Tyrant leader." As they drove Bernie asked where Tupac and Biggie sent them and he told him, "I don't really know he just said to go and get supplies at the corner store and didn't say any place after that." So Bernie told him to summon Tupac in the bathroom of the camper van the same way he was summoned the first time so Tripar went to the bathroom turned of the lights and slammed the door shut and chanted Tupac's name 3 times, all of a sudden the felt the same feeling again and Tupac showed up with a Big Mac and a large McDonald's sodi pop and yelled "OH MY FUCKING GOD AGAIN I'M ON MY LUNCH BREAK WHY THE FUCK DO YOU KIDS HAVE TO KEEP SUMMONING ME, oh wait it's you." And Tripar proceeded to ask him where the next place they were suppose to go was and Tupac said "next you gotta travel to….." then he took a huge bite of his Big Mac and said "you, mmhhhmm, gotta go to the city of Chicago and find a man named, mhhhhmmm, Chief Keef, he is very wise and will tell you were to go after that." And with that Tripar thanked him and went and told Bernie this information in which Bernie then added, "ahhh yes, Chief Keef there is no wiser man than him West of the Mississippi." They continued on on their journey to Chicago at that point.