An Unplanned Meeting

[Delano] The angry one-armed man spoke up first, "Who the hell are you?" I shuffled back slightly.

"M... my name is Delano." I was stuttering, as I spat out my words.

They looked at my firm red collar and the brown stripes on my chest. "Red surge I see," the armored one said. "I am Jaku. The top lieutenant of the gray surge. So what are you doing here?" he was holding the other one back.

"I was running from the base, I'm a deserter." I pointed to the gray structure in the distance, "they probably sent out a patrol to hunt me down. I should be leaving."

"If this is true then I guess we should be too."

"You are welcome to come with us, it might be a bit cramped on the ride back but we could fit you. You might be subject to a small interrogation but that is all."

What should I do I wondered, the deal seems too good and they, especially the one-armed one, seem pretty shady and untrustworthy. "I'll do it," I said deciding to take the risk.

[Jaku] we got into our ships arranging the metal that we had mined to allow space for two people to fit. I really hoped that Dellano was telling the truth. I already knew that I would be in trouble with Narchean for bringing back another person. As long as Dellano didn't go running back to his red surge friends we would be fine. As we exited the noise of the thicker air, I decided to talk to Delano. "So, Dellano, what did you do for the red surge?"

"I led a team, we were the worst one, I always messed them up. Just the other day we were sent out after an escapee but I bumped my teammate's ship causing him to miss and just disable the ship sending it crashing into the ground. The pilot escaped."

An odd coincidence I thought. "When did this happen?" I asked hoping to confirm my suspicion.

"Just a few days ago… in the desert."

"Aha!" I shouted in realization, "that was Sparrow. Oh, he's the other pilot I don't think you were introduced yet. That's when he lost his arm."

"Oh," he said in a disappointed tone, "so that must be why he hates us so much."

"Well, Dellano," I said, "look on the bright side, you probably saved his life, just because you are slightly incompetent and stupid."

"You know I really think you are underestimating me, just because I am not a good pilot."

"Got it," I said. "You are very incompetent and stupid." I looked back at him with a smile as I wasn't good at showing much emotion using my voice alone. We were pulling up on the main ship to land, at this point. "Be prepared to do some talking, let's just hope that Narchean is in a good mood today."

"Who is Narchean?" Dellano asked.

"Our leader, or my boss, either one works." we set down in the hangar bay, Sparrow was already out, waiting for us. "So did you find out who he is," Sparrow asked.

I waved him away. "I found out enough," I responded as we walked away to find Narchean.