Trial part one

It was the day of the trial. Between the time of the announcement and now many things had happened. Veleda, had been dropped off at the headquarters of Blue surge, as promised. She was greeted at the door with many hugs. After we were thanked and sent on our way, the plaza was rearranged to a makeshift courtroom, although it was decided a more permanent solution would be needed later. It was also around this point we began to notice that red surge scouting ships would occasionally go by the edge of our radars.

People were lining up all around the ship, waiting for the first democratic trial of the gray surge justice system to begin. The trial would be done with a jury of seven randomly selected citizens, but these were actually previously selected by Narchean and would achieve his goal of a harsh punishment. There would then be a sentence given out, based on the amount of people who voted for punishment. Although it was harsh, if all 7 voted for punishment a death sentence would be given out. This rule is how narchean would make the system of harsh punishment effective.

Although there were still three hours left till the trial started, people were gathering around. An electricity was in the air, as everyone waited impatiently.

Then, Narchean walked out into the middle of the makeshift courtroom. "Attention. The trial will start in two hours and fifty minutes. The Jury and the defendant will enter in two hours and thirty minutes. At that point you will be given an overview of how the trial will proceed."