
Chapter 9: Village

I don't know if I should laugh or cry, the moment I saw what's inside of the ring because the only thing I saw is a pile of gold coins, just gold coins only, no silver or copper, books or even a weapon.

Sigh! Let's not be greedy. I already have got myself an interspatial ring and a pile of gold worth of 10,000+ gold.

I went outside of the castle and breathe a fresh air. Two days! In these two days, I am extremely lucky. I got lots of skill book; I got myself a servant with a mature and beautiful married woman, a super cute loli and a shitty guy. In these two days, I also leveled up greatly. My question is, is this luck permanent or temporary only, just like a beginner's luck.

Sigh! I sighed and take a look at my bag and organize it and one by one I put my things in my ring. I held a book in my hand and suddenly remember that I still haven't read it. The title is "Who are you?" I flip it open and started reading.

Ding! Congratulation you acquired a skill "Who are you"

Who are you: give (someone or oneself) a different appearance in order to conceal one's identity.

Woah! My luck takes over again! I didn't expect it to be a disguise skill, and it's an advanced skill.

My god, why am I so lucky! Thus God wants to let me experience being a lucky person before taking it all back?

"Grrrrrr" while pondering what will be the price of my extreme luck. My stomach suddenly grumbles.

'Hmm… although I said I will go to the village within 3 days, there is no harm in going there now. Hmm... let me contact them first. I cast a spell "The King's call"

The king's call: Allow the caster to telepathically contact his/her servants anytime and anywhere.

This is the newly awaked vampire skill that I acquired the moment I kill the bastard.

Hmm... let us recall what happened.

Ding! Congratulations for killing a level 38 Homosexual ork king. You gain 1887 exp.

You level up! You gain 1 SP

You level up! You gain 1 SP

You level up! You gain 1 SP

You level up! You gain 1 SP

I leveled up and up to level 31

Ding! You have reached level 30 and unlock a vampire skill "The king's call"

Honestly, when I saw the word "Homosexual" I stab my heart with my sword.

At that moment, I suddenly understand why that bastard has an excited and crazy look on his face. To think that he will treat my sacred weapon prototype mark I as a lollipop! Hmmp! Just remembering it makes me mad.

I casually walk into the direction of the village and contact fendrel and told him that I will arrive and want to have a feast on the village chief's house. I also ask what the situation is

"Just as you command, I and Aleida and krea turn the village chief, his wife and his son who's the strongest aside from me in this village into our servants. Although sometimes they go berserk, we manage to restrain them and let them drink some slave's blood." Fendrel said respectfully

* * * * * * *s

"Merec!" Mom called the village chief

"Yes, madam?"

"Go and tell the head chef to prepare a feast! And tell the butler to make preparations, Master is coming. "

"Yes!" The village chief answered mom with respect

Mom then turns her attention to me.

"Sweetie, come with mommy to the bedroom and let's dress up nicely"

"Coming" I run to where mom is and held her hand as we went upstairs and directly enter our room.

"What do you think about this sweetie?" mom showed me a dress

"Mom, aren't that too tight? "

"No, no, no, we need to dress like this in order to seduc…. impress master."

'It's too late to change your word mom, sigh! what a pitiful father; he doesn't know that mom is planning to have a love affair with the master.' I said inwardly while rolling my eyes

After nearly 2 hours we finally dress up when a knocking sound can be heard.

"tok, tok, tok"

"Enter!" mom said indifferently

"Madam, Master has arrived at the village entrance." Said the butler

"Let's go sweetie, let's welcome master."

We await the arrival of the master in front of the mansion. (A mansion in a village? How rich hehe)

As time passed I finally saw master. I finally saw what master looks like

" tudug, tudug, tudug," my heart suddenly beat faster after I saw master. Does he walk toward us with his eyes looking at me? Omg is he looking at me? He's looking at me while his Black and silky hair is dancing in the wind and his white prince like clothes whose also dancing along the wind. As I look at the master's hair and clothes I suddenly made an eye contact with him.

While looking at Master I suddenly felt strange and felt that my underwear is a little bit wet.

'Ah! How unbecoming!

* * * * * * * * *

When I arrive, my 3 servants are already waiting in the entrance.

"Welcome master" said frendrel

"Hmm" I nodded to him and quickly shifted my attention to Aleida who's wearing a seductive attire and into krea and into her little cupcakes. While looking at her cupcakes, I suddenly trembled because behind krea. I saw a little girl, an 11 to 12 years old little girl. If she's an ordinary little girl, I won't react this way! But she's clearly different. I get close to krea and ask

"What is she?" I ask while pretending calm and just asking curiously

Krea looks at her back and saw the little girl.

"Ah! She's a slave we bought when a slave trader past by here yesterday. She's a beastmen of a certain dog tribe from the thorodan kingdom." Aleida suddenly interrupted and answered my question

"Beastmen huh"

"Aleida! Is thorodan kingdom composed of beastmen?" I ask her with a serious face

Aleida saw my expression and immediately answered

"That's right master, I think 90% of them are all beastmen with the majority of them from the lion's tribe and werewolves."

"In another word, the thorodan kingdom is….

At my word, aleida and the others fell silent.

A paradise full of beautiful, hot and cute girls with animal tails and ears!" I said while indulging in a wonderful dream.

"Well yeah, you can look it at that way" aleida said

I turn my attention to the beast girl. I approach her and squat down and revealed an angelic smile and silently use charm.

"What's your name?" I ask her softly and sweetly

"Ryia" answered the girl sweetly and innocently

"So it's ryia huh, what a good name isn't it?"

"Hmm. Mama gave it to me when she was still alive" she said with tears in her eyes

"Alright, I've decided. Ryia from now on you will be my hug pillow." I said while patting her head.

"Hug pillow?" she asks confusedly

"Hmm… from now on, your job is to follow me around and every time I sleep, you will also sleep beside me and I will hug you till I fall asleep, understand?"

"Unnn… mama also always hug ryia every time she sleeps" ryia nodded happily

And so, ryia has fallen into the hands of a big perverted lolicon.

Unknown to me, the nearby krea are silently watching the scene while clenching her small fist and biting her lips while glaring at ryia.