
Chapter 17: Present

After that announcement, my body got enveloped by a blinding light and in a blink of an eye, I returned to reality.

The moment I returned to the arena, I heard a great commotion and saw the fat pig being surrounded by the crowd.

Curses and flying things like eggs, tomatoes, shoes, and all kind of things that can be grab and thrown easily by a kid flew straight to him.

I slowly walk toward him. The crowd gives way the moment they saw me walking towards the pig.

"Ch.…. Ch.… Ch.… your way to popular bro! To think you would steal my thunder, bro I am the winner, shouldn't I be the one getting surrounded by people and receiving their praises? Sigh! Here I thought that ones I went back here in the arena I would die from exhaustion in giving autographs and listening to someone's bootlicking skills.

I thought I would become super popular and receive the love of many beautiful women in this arena. Bro, can you be not greedy and at least share some of your popularity with me and let me experience how it feels like a superstar. Oh right, when is your wedding with that hmm… with that she-man? You must invite me to your grand wedding bro or else I will hold a grudge against you for stealing my thunder. Oh, what kind of wedding gift would you like? Hmm… how about I give you an artificial sacred sword? Since yours is a way to small compared to him/her, my gift would be extremely helpful to you to please your husband/wife. Don't look at me like that; we're bros, so I naturally help you with your problem and no need to thank me for it."

"Pfft.. hahahahahahahaha"

Laughter rang through the arena as the crowd laugh with all their might

"I will also gift you a super long artificial sacred sword" a guy said.

"Me too"

"Also me"

"I'll give you thousands of it"

The crowd started offering their promises to the fat pig, making him red like a tomato.

"You hear that bro? They all support you and want to give you their best wishes and even prepare a gift for your wedding, isn't it great bro? so bro tell me what else do you want? I will do my best to give you the best wedding ever in all Dragonov kingdoms, so state what you want and I'll do my best to make it happen as long they're within my capabilities." I said with a smile on my face

"LI….AM!" the fat pig shouted angrily

"Me? No…no…no… bro are you kidding me? You already have a beautiful/handsome wife/husband and you aren't content with that? And what's more, you even want my body too? Sigh! Too think I didn't realize that you have such feelings towards me. Sorry, bro, I decline.

I'm into a beautiful woman and want to have a taste of a woman's delicious meat pie.

I want to marry a beautiful woman and squeeze, lick, and suck her delicious cupcake or hamburger.

So I'm sorry bro. I can't give you love the way you love me and did you forgot bro, I am the winner.

Since I am the winner, I will have a chance to marry her highness the 3rd princess. What would happen if I won and get engaged to her, do you have the courage to start a war with her highness? Ch.…Ch.…Ch.… you are a way to devious bro. To think you want to steal her highness future husband and make her into a widow, did you have a grudge against her? You better forget about your revenge because she's a princess of this kingdom and you are… what is your rank?"

"He's a son of a count" someone from the crowd answered me.

"Eh? Your father is a count? Sigh, to think that the count has a big and merciful heart." I started crying and showed to the crowd my pitiful expression

"I never thought that the count will adopt a wild abandoned pig and even allowed him to carry his family name and to call him his father, ah! How touching the story is. Bro, don't worry even though you're a disgusting pig that was picked up by the count in the wild, I will still treat you as my bro, as for your proposal; please forget about it as I already have a future wife"

The fat pig looks at me fiercely and spat a mouthful of blood.

"Li...Am! He said weakly and collapse on the ground.

"Sigh! To think you love me that much that you even spat a mouthful of blood because you are heartbroken that I didn't choose you and you even manage to call out my name before you collapse. Sigh! I never thought that love is such a complicated thing."

"wuhahahahaha" the crowd laugh again

"Good one kid" said an old man

"Yeah, yeah good one indeed"

"Nice public execution!"

I listened to their compliments and wave my hand to them as I prepared to walk down I suddenly heard voices that almost made me trip down.

"Lord Liam I love you!" Said a 25 years old looking woman

"Me too" said a little kid

"I also love you" said a teenage woman

"I want to bear your child" said a woman on her twenties

"Please marry me" said a woman on her thirties

I listen to their confessions and I gave them a wave and blow a kiss on them.

I started walking downstairs and headed to where the 3rd princess is when…

"Please Fu*k me, Lord Liam!"

I heard a voice that made me trip and rolls down on the stairs.

The moment I heard the voice, my whole body stiffens and shuddered.

I slowly stood up and slowly look back. When I saw the figure of the one who shouted, my instinct immediately controlled me and started running as fast as I could.

"Lord Liam, please wait for me" the person said with a flirting tone

The moment I heard the voice, the hair on my body stood up!

And before I noticed it, a Macho man arrive behind me while wearing a t-shirt with a pink heart shape decoration on it, he is also wearing a mini skirt and a striped panty where you can see his sacred sword bulging out. The moment I made an eye contact with him, he suddenly blinks in one of his eyes.

"NOOOOO!!!!!!" I shouted and started to cast a spell

Escape: Boost the casters Running speed by 300% and blocking speed for 70% that last for 30 seconds. (Active)


My running speed got boosted and I finally escape from hell.

"No! Lord Liam, At least let me give you a deep kiss!"


The crowd started laughing again

After I escape from him, I headed a room was invited to go into where the 3rd princess is.

After entering the room, I saw the 3rd princess sitting on a chair. The moment I entered she closes the book on her hand and looked at me.

"How is my present? "She said with an amused look on her face


"The guy who chased you" she said with a smile

I suddenly remember the face of the guy

"So it was you're doing!"

"HEHE, that's what you get for using my name earlier" she said while showing me the tip of her tongue.

"I nearly died because of a heart attack you know!"

"Pfft, muwahahaha!" she laughs after I said those words.

Seeing her laugh I g got a little irritated when I suddenly thought for a moment.

"Hey, how about having a bet with me. If I win the fight later, you will call me husband from now on, and if you win. I will do one thing you want me to do."


"As long as it didn't cross my bottom line."

"Deal" she said with a smile on her face