Yes or No

Chapter 19: Yes or NO

"Idiot, if you want me to leave immediately why did you agree to our deal" I mischievously asked her

She suddenly looks away and said in a low voice.

"That was because…. I want you to stay... by my side a little longer."

"Hehe, I thought I was the one who fell in love with you first but it seems I was beaten by you."I said while poking her face

She looks at me with an extremely embarrassed face and she took a step forward and bit my shoulders

I let her bit me and remove my defense on the shoulder part so that she won't be hurt.

"So when did you fell in love with me?"

She withdraws her mouth from my shoulder and she buried her face in my chest.

"The moment I saw you in the party." she said in an extremely low voice

"So it was a love, at first sight, huh, hehe. "I said teasingly and hug her

"Hey, Catherine" I said softly

"Hmm?" she suddenly raises her head and looks at me

I look at her eyes and gently and sweetly said

"Marry me"

She suddenly froze and tears suddenly fall from her eyes and she said in a trembling and angry voice.

"Did you hear what I said earlier!?"

"Un, I heard it." I nodded and said to her

"Did you understand the meaning of it!?"

"I do"

"Then why are you not listening to me! They will try to kill you, you know!"

"I know, and you said it earlier."

"Then, why?" she asked and started crying

"Because I love you and I want to marry you." I said to her and lovingly look at her while wiping the tears from her face

"But they won't allow it and will definitely prevent you."

I look at her and put my hands on her face

"I love you with all my heart. And you also love me and accepted my feelings for you.

Isn't it natural to be together with the person you love?" I sweetly said to her

"But, they will surely forbid us to be together" Catherine said weakly

"Then if we live in a world where love is forbidden, I'll change it, even if I have to be bath with blood and destroy this world!" I said while looking at the sky and raised my arms and clench my fist

"So Catherine, please marry me and be my wife." I said to her with a smile

"Is it ok for me to be your wife? I will only bring you danger and hardship, do you really wish for me to be your wife?" she said and started crying again

I wipe her tears again and said

"You're really a crybaby. Listen up, Catherine. I'll say it over and over; I'll say It as many times as the hair on your head.

Since I was a child I known the word love, but as I grow up, the only feelings I harbored to those women I looked at is only lust.

But after meeting you, I finally learned the meaning of love. I learned how it feels to love."

I held her hand and slowly kneeled like a knight and gently held her hand while looking up at her face.

"Please marry me Catherine and forever stay by my side as my wife"


"Catherine. I only want to here is Yes or NO, don't think of anything else." I said gently

"Yes! I want to be your wife; I want to stay by your side forever. Even I have to forsake my title as a princess and live a commoner's life I still want to be your wife. So if it's really alright with you, Please take me as your wife!" She said happily with tears in her eyes

I slowly stood up and kiss her lips passionately, after a while; she parted with me and said

"But why as many as my hair, isn't it better to say as many as the star or something?

"Yeah, but if I say as many as he star, I would probably end up saying those words forever."

She looks at me and giggled. Then after that she said in a serious tone

"How about we leave this kingdom together tonight?"

"No need"

"What do you mean?"

"Literarily what it means." I said playfully

"But they will…" I stop her from continuing

"Catherine, I want you to know something and take a look." I said put my hand and pointed it into my heart

"Squish" sound effect

I pierce my heart with my hand

"What are you doing!?" Catherine suddenly screamed and held my hand

I retrieve my hand and cleaned it.

"Relax" I said to her and I take off my clothes and showed her my chest which completely healed already.

Catherine caress my chest and she started looking for the wound but and up not finding one

"What happened?" she asked with a shaking voice

"I'm sorry that I scared you, but I want you to know about me"

"About you?"

"Catherine, listen up. You see I am not a human" I said while looking what will her expression is

"Not human? Then are you a devil?"

To my surprise, although she was startled; aside from the tears in her face. She asked me calmly.

"You look calm?"

"Well, I was surprised but since it was you, I will accept you even if you're a devil." She said with a smile

I felt a warm feeling in my heart and started to love her more.

"No. I'm not a devil, and I'm not a race that you know."

"A race that I don't know, then what are you?"

"I called my race 'Vampire'."

"Vampire, I really don't have knowledge of that, what is a vampire?"

"It's natural that you don't know since no one on this world known about us since my race is a newly created race by God and I was its primogenitor, the king of my race. Do you want to take a look at what is my true face looks like?"

"un!" she quickly nodded

"Alright" I said and I change into my vampire form

After transforming, I look at her expression. I saw her looking at me with her mouth open.

"What do you think?

"Marvelous! I prepared myself mentally and imagine all kinds of a strange creature but I didn't expect this. Except for your hair and eye color and those fangs there is not much different than your previous look. Can't you just stay like this, you're much more handsome like this!" she said happily

I look at her and slowly walk towards her and put my hands on her face. But the moment my hand touched her face, she suddenly trembles and her breathing suddenly become heavy. Then she looks at me and pounces on me before she greedily kisses me deeply. Then her hand started moving and held my hand before slipping my hand on her clothes and put it on her Hamburger, while her other hand slipped through my pants and she held my Divine weapon prototype mark II before saying.

"Mess me up!" She said in a cute tone that can cause a world war III on earth

And so, I was given a choice; to do it or not, which one should I choose?