The Collide Of The Immortals.

POV: Hoga Yasahiro.

Date: 21st Nov – Friday.




"Yasahiro kun~"

"Yasa CHAN!!"


"Shut up!" I yelled as I get up looking because of the voice that kept calling my name.


But it didn't stop and kept calling out my name,


I looked over at the place it came from while frowning from annoyance to see a phone playing a recording on repeat.



I quickly get up and start heading toward it, I put my legs on the ground and start walking,

"so annoying." I mumbled as I finally shut it off.

I quickly shifted my eyes at the room I was in, the clean air going out the air purifier and the whiteness of this room, the very familiar room I tended to go to when I was a doctor, a hospital room.

But inspecting my loosely clothes, a hospital gown, I knew that this time I was not the doctor instead I am one of the patients.

The room's door creaked open with a loud noise, and someone entered the room while laughing in extremely loud voice, and when they saw me standing, they dropped what seemed to be a bag full of snacks, their face was full of surprise and they were too shocked to say a word.

As soon as I took a look at their face, that beard, these wrinkles near his eyes, that loud voice from earlier, that annoying phone recording and this bag of snacks, it was a person I wish to never see again, the ever so annoying, my grandpa.

"Grandpa! Don't you realize you are in a hospital? Your voice! And this recording! You'll cause trouble to the patient! Moreover, you'll annoy me! And I told you thousand times! You are too old to be snacking on this much snacks! Do you wish to have a short life? You are not a kid anymore try to think about what you eat!"

After I scolded him as I always do, strangely this time, instead of giving excuses and laughing my scolding off, my grandpa came closer to me and hugged me, with a trembling voice he said,

"Thank you, thank you, thank you for being alive."

The sobbing and the sniffing I heard confirmed that he was crying, I started patting his back,

"Yeah, I'm fine now, don't worry."

Grandpa is the only person I have left which I can call family, after both of my parents died, grandpa had a face like his whole world bathed in darkness despite his happy-go-lucky personality, to him a family is something he would never want to lose again. And I was the last member that fit into that group called family.

As grandpa cried his eyes out while hugging me, I stared again at the white wall I was facing, I definitely am in a hospital, I remember faintly getting into a car accident and getting hurt.

I seem to be fine now, so someone saved me and brought me to the hospital? I guess I wasn't capable of dying thanks to whoever saved me.

So irritating.

Well, there is always another chance.

Grandpa: 'I'm so glad they found blood in time.'

I tried pulling grandpa away, but he kept squeezing me tight, "Grandpa!?" I said trying to make him stop hugging me, he only squeezed more.

"Stop it!"

I yelled at him hoping this old sorry excuse of a grandpa will stop squeezing the life out of me.


It's no use looking at me with these puppy eyes, old man.

"You thought something about a blood, what is that about?"

Grandpa opened his mouth then started blushing,

"Yasahiro, you pervert! You shouldn't read other people's mind without letting them know!"

To describe my expression at that moment in one word, I would use the word, disgust.

I had already lost hope in him being normal,

"Just explain it already…"

"they didn't have the same blood type as you in the hospital when you arrived, and you had lost far too much so they took from the guy you were with, since he suffered almost no injury."

A guy I was with?

That's right the weird drowning guy at the river, I was on the way to the hospital to save him when we got into a car accident, so he ended up saving me instead.

Wait, why did I think he's weird?

Grandpa: 'I wonder if he can go to the company now.'

"GRANDPA! How can you be thinking about the company now!?"

I am speechless! how can he be thinking about the company!? I almost forgot but I was supposed to take over his company!

"Grandpa… about the company-"

"I'll get everything ready, so wear the suit in the closet and come down, I'll go check out of the hospital and drive you to the company!"

"About that, I don't think-"

I looked up to find he had already left the room.

Another thing I forgot to state, my grandpa is a workaholic, the only other thing that he loves as much as his family is his work, he always think of it first and does everything to make it exceed all the expectations.

But this is my chance, I was unable of dying because I was lucky in that accident and seems like I got transferred to hospital before I die.

But this time if I make sure I die immediately without anyone having a chance to save me, I might be able to pull it off.

I started running up the emergency stairs till I reached the rooftop, this hospital was surrounded by the sea on one side, building on the other two sides and a park on one side.

I can't jump on the side facing the sea since I might survive that, and side with buildings might cause trouble to the owners since someone died near them, that leaves me with the choice of the park.

There might be a lot of people there, but they won't be able to save me since falling from 5 stories building will surely kill me instantaneously.

Without a thought to spare I quickly started running toward the edge and closed my eyes till my feet were unable of touching the ground.

I felt my hair defying gravity and the wind rushing through my skin upward, I knew I was definitely falling and it wasn't long before I hit the ground, was in a lot of pain and started losing conscious.

I opened my closed eyes to see a big green tree in front of me and soon the tree started fading to black, before it became complete darkness, the greenish of the tree reappeared.

I stand up immediately and start inspecting myself, no broken bones, no injury visible and moreover… no pain.

I look up to make sure I really fell, and see I am now at the park.

I couldn't believe how ridiculous this is.

I fell 5 floors and suffered no injury.

No, I felt pain, but then it stopped?

Pain? Stopped? Then that would mean I had wounds, but they vanished?

This is so stupid; how can it be possible?

This is almost like I'm immortal.

It suddenly came to me, I remembered the guy at the riverbank yesterday, he too was injured but then he stopped bleeding, the part of the truck that was in him went outside and the blood rushed inside him and no trace of his injury was visible anymore.

But why would this happen to me too? Is it contagious?


A voice called my name and I turned to see it was grandpa.

"you already came? I told you to wear the suit why are you still wearing that gown?"

"grandpa, you won't believe what just happened!"

No, I can't tell him. If I tell him he'll ask me why I had to jump. I can't just tell him I wanted to suicide.

But maybe he will know something about this? That's right he said something about transferring that guy's blood to me.

Is that the reason?

"Grandpa! Can I meet the guy that was with me in the accident?"

"You can't, he's still unconscious."

Unconscious? Why? Isn't he immortal too? Was I mistaken?

Grandpa grabbed my hand and started pulling me.

"What are you doing?"

"We have to go to the company, I know you are a sick person but since I told them you'll come today, just show your face a bit"

He told them I'll come today?

"How did you know I'll wake up today?"

"What do you mean? I told them way before you got into the accident last night"

Last night? Wait! That means I was in the hospital for half a day only!?

Without further explanation, I was dragged to the company and got tossed inside the president office.

"Just rest here."

Grandpa said before closing the door leaving me alone.

A huge desk in the room with only few papers, laptop, a glass of water on it, the room's wall was filled with bookcases like I requested, and in the middle, was a small table for meetings.

Wanting to get my thoughts away from thinking about what happened, I grabbed a book from the bookcase and started flipping through it.

The door creaked open and two guys entered the room, and their noisy thoughts rushed in with them,

The guy on the left: 'What a huge room!'

The guy on the right: 'Hmph! Not that big of a deal'

I wanted to ignore them till they leave, but one of them tried to talk to me,


I knew that they were here to talk to me, so I closed the book and put it aside and shifted my eyes to them.

After looking at them for a while, I recognized one of their face immediately! It was the same guy who was drowning!

"IT'S YOU!?"

I yelled unconsciously, I thought this guy was unconscious what is he doing here? No in the first place he works here? No, more importantly, if he's awake that means he really is immortal! Moreover, he made me one too!

This jerk!

"Nao, you know him?"

He whispered to the guy next to him,

"You idiot! He meant you!"

I hate it when people be confused, they always start thinking of stuff to try make sense of what they are confused about, and when that happen, I suffer since I can hear the confused thoughts they are having.

"how annoying. Leave!"

They both started giving me weird looks, and started heading toward the door.

"Not both, red hair can stay here, the other can leave."

I heard them both mumbling before the other one left,

"I told you it was you!"

With only me and him in the room, his thoughts were crystal clear to me,

RedHair: 'Shit! He totally knows I broke the rule. How to explain it!? but why is he this mad in the first place?'

He's talking about a rule? Breaking? Maybe making me immortal?

"Why do you think I am mad?"

I frowned while looking at him, mainly at his stomach, it must have been so painful but now he's so idiotically normal.

"Isn't it because I broke the rule?"

He said with a scared expression, his eyes kept avoiding mine and looking elsewhere.

He keeps mentioning the rule but what the hell is that?

Redhead: 'I knew staff weren't meant to come here.'

Staff? I see he must be a staff, but why aren't they allowed here?

Anyway, this person makes me boil with anger, he really thinks I'm mad because of a puny reason like that!?

"Do you not recognize me!?"

"I'm sorry?"

He looked so confused, I hate it when people be like that, but this is my chance, now he'll try to remember me, and I can just read his thoughts to see if he does.

RedHead: 'What is with this psycho? Is he really the new president? Suspicious.'

What the hell? Let alone thinking about my question! He's totally insulting me? It seems like he really can't remember me.

"You made me immortal."

I hope you now understand how big your sin is,

"I see. I finally understood."

He looks deep in thoughts,

RedHead: 'He really is crazy, I pity him. Such a waste of his good looks.'

"At least I have the looks."

I unconsciously responded to his thoughts.

"HA! I can't even believe a crazy guy like you even managed to become a president."

This jerk totally started degrading me, but that means he really doesn't know about his ability?

"How idiotic"

"What was that, you bastard!?"

You bastard!? Did he just call me that?! I mean you should think that not say it out loud! Does he really realize I'm his boss?

"What is a mere staff doing here in the first place?"

His eyes widened, and he started sweating then he averted his eyes and said,

"I got lost."

He's a terrible liar…

Jerk: 'I will die before I tell him that I wanted to see the new president'

"So, you came to see me?"

This is the second time already! What the hell is wrong with me!? I keep responding to his thoughts!

Thank god, he seems like an idiot who haven't even noticed that,

"Take responsibility."

Yes, he should at least take responsibility and figure a way to turn me back to normal.

"I can't take responsibility of your brain not functioning properly, sir!"

This jerk keeps getting on my nerves,

"How annoying."

"That's my line, sir!"

What the hell? Does he think if he adds sir at the end of his sentence it will make it okay to say anything?! That's it, I'm fed up with him.

"You're fired."

"No, sir! I'm not on fire!"

This idiot… does he not realize I just fired him?

"I said you are fired."

"I understand … wait what?"

"Didn't you hear me? you are fired."

"What the hell? Are you frigging kidding me?"

Idiot: 'This is so unfair, why is this crazy dude taking his anger on me?'

"What you going to do about it? if I fire you or not, if it's fair or not, you can't do anything about it."

This is, my friend, what you call power abusing! Feel angry and curse me all you want! You deserve this much for making me unable of achieving my wish.

"Then what are you going to do about this?!"

He quickly ran toward me, and grabbed the glass of water on the desk and poured it on me.

"W-What do you think you are doing?"

"Being unreasonable, like you!"

"You jerk, are you picking a fight?"

"You started first!"

A loud laughter can be heard coming from the door of the room, we both looked toward the source to see it was grandpa.

"You're looking good, Yasahiro!"

Grandpa said before bursting into laughter.

I was soaking wet thanks to this idiot, and of all people it had to be found by this old man.


The idiot screamed nervously,

That is right, this old man is the chairman! And he just saw him pour water on the president!! HAHAHA you are in a big trouble.

"If it isn't Izumi! Long time no see!"

Izumi? Wait, what? This is the part you get angry, grandpa!!!

"Y-yes! I work here now!"

The guy stated while blushing, he must be one of those people who admire grandpa.

Wait did he say he work here?

"He used to work here, I fired him." I corrected the idiot with a grin on my face

The idiot returned my grin with a glare filled with anger.

"I see, so you are unemployed now?"

Grandpa asked with a smirk on his face,

"no…no! NO!"

I yelled as I saw the smirk on his face, this old man only smirk when he is thinking of something bad… really bad…

He suggested,

"How about I hire you instead?"

"sure! What will you hire me as?"

A laugh filled the room once again, then stopped before that old man returned to his old composed serious expression, he said,

"Vice president."

Which made both of us scream in surprise,


ψ End Of Chapter 5 ψ