My Regret.

POV: Hisakawa Naoki

Date: 21st Nov – Friday.

"Avoid it."

I heard the monstrous demon saying while pointing the gun at the new president.

During the whole fight, Hoga Yasahiro had a calm face and provoked the demon which made me think he was taking the lead in it, but all my assumptions were proven wrong when I saw the gloom look that surfaced on his expressionless face.

At that moment I knew, both of us were bound to be doomed.

Realizing the desperate situation, we were in, being faced by this horror, I started gathering the strength in my numb body to start running out of the room.

But the multiple gunshots that filled the room, made my legs lose the strength I forced into them.

I could only stare at the demon laughing as he filled holes inside Hoga Yasahiro.

My breathing became unstable the longer I stared at the scene in front of me.

Even my desperate tries to call out for help failed as my voice neglected to come out of my trembling lips.

When I thought it was all over when the demon moved closer to the new president and held him up,


He punched his stomach making him spew blood out of his mouth then let him fall on the floor.

After hitting the ground, Hoga had stopped moving.

Is he dead?

He's definitely dead.

He killed him.

He died.

I'm next.

I'll be killed just like him as well.

My body started shivering knowing the hideous treatment I'm about to face being mascaraed by this demon.

Despite me wanting to run and my brain knowing of the danger I was in, my legs no- my whole body was far too scared to move an inch from where I was sitting.

What is this demon?

I got to run.

I'm such an idiot.

I killed Izumi as well.

I have to get up.

My life is over.

I'll be dying in a crueler way.

This is karma.

Even if I survived, with Hoga knowing I killed Izumi…

Is this how Izumi felt?

Who will take care of Iori now?

My body is not moving.

I don't want to die.

I have to run.

Why do I have to die?

My emotions were confused what to feel first,

Regret; for killing Izumi, anxiety; having my actions found out by Hoga, sadness; being unable to see my beloved sister anymore or fear; about having to face a being I never knew existed.

As the demon started to approach me, my body flinched, and my brain was unable of thinking clearly.

Step… after step… after step… taking his time to reach me which made my very being tremble in fear,

"So similar…"

Unlike the usual creepy tone that he used ever since he appeared, he mumbled it with a very humanish tone.

Similar? To who?

His dark black hair fluttered revealing his white face.

Him being creepy has never changed, but for a moment there I felt sadness in his hollow eyes.

Was it my illusion?

His face tiled slightly towards Izumi and with a regretful voice full of sorrow he said,

"You're surrounded by betrayals, huh?"

Then he started heading to Izumi's corpse and went back inside him.


He didn't kill me?

As the sun started setting, with my numb body and tired mentality, I could only stare at the corpses in front of me.

The deep red sunlight coming through the window, just seemed far too beautiful to be seen from a room dyed in blood.

Why aren't they waking up?

They're not immortal…

They really died…

What is this situation?

I have never regretted a decision this much in my life.

I started crawling toward Hoga and started shaking him,

"H-Hey… G-Get up… you're… immortal …right?"

Without finding the response I was hoping for, my body started crawling toward Izumi.

"Q-Quickly … heal up… like before…"

I put my hand on the cold chest of Izumi,

"W-Why… Why isn't it beating…Why aren't you breathing?"

My hand felt something in his pocket, I reached for it to see that it was my phone.

Why did he have it?

I see…

This is why Hoga found out and came.

I bit my lips while I stared at the phone in my hand.


I started dialing a number on it.

I'm such an idiot.


I'm sorry, Izumi.


I'm sorry for being like this.


Thank you for saving me during my hardest time.


I'm sorry, my friend. I'm sorry.

When the line got connected my lips moved stating,

"I … want to turn myself in…"