Another Idiot.

POV: Hoga Yasahiro

Date: 24th Nov – Monday.

Timeline: *After they reached the car*

"Do you think that person have an ability like us?" Izumi asked as I got inside, "isn't that why we're going to make sure?" I responded in annoyed tone, Izumi let out a sigh and complained, "but if there were other people like us, it would make me a bit frustrated."

Frustrated? Why?

He continued, "I mean won't it make you mad as well? There would be more abilities way cooler than ours and we only have immortality a plain immortality, not like we can fly or become invisible, it's so lame."

His reasoning is so childish.

"But thinking like this is childish, right!?" he asked staring at me.

Eh!? Did he read my thoughts? There is no way…

"But there is no way that this kind of flashy abilities exist right? Or we would have known about them," he said as he sighed a sigh of relief.

THIS IS FREAKING SCARY! Is this how people feel when I read their thoughts?

"Hey, Yasahiro," Izumi called and scolded me, "you know, I can't read thoughts like you, so you have to talk for us to have a real conversation."

It feels weird for someone other than gramps to call me 'Yasahiro'

"You just thought it was weird for someone you barely know to call you by your first name right!?" Izumi asked while smirking, "that's exactly how I felt all this time," he continued.

Is he good at reading people? Or am I just simple-minded that it's easy to know what I'm thinking?

"Hey, it says this is the place, but this is…" Izumi said as he pointed his finger toward the window, "fire station."

"Did they give me the wrong address?" I wondered puzzled by the situation.

"No, this looks like it's the right place, look there is reporters roaming around," Izumi said before going out of the car.

The 'healing hands' is in the fire station? I thought it will be a hospital… or a clinic… Maybe, this is not what we are looking for.

"What are you doing? Hurry the hell up!" Izumi yelled while knocking on the car window, I got out and said, "chill, not like they will run away or anything."

I got out and looked at the place Izumi was standing in to see an after image as he had already started running toward the fire station.

Why is he in such a hurry? He was so carefree a minute ago. Does he love fire stations that much?

I started following him, and when we reached the place the reporters were roaming in, we saw them surrounding a bunch of firefighters.

"Hey, can I ask what is going on?" Izumi asked one of the reporters, and the reporter answered, "we had an information that this fire station is using some sort of machine to rescue others faster than any other station, but they are refusing to share any information about it and are denying using anything out of ordinary," the reporter glared at Izumi and yelled, "now that you satisfied your curiosity go away, you're in the way of my work," and pushed Izumi and headed into crowd again.

"I don't get it, were the news about the healing hands false?" Izumi mumbled confusedly, I patted his shoulder and took him away from the place filled with reporters and whispered, "that is probably how the media interrupted the ability, they don't think it's a work of a human, they think it's some kind of a machine, think about it if it really was known that it was the work of a human they wouldn't have left them alone till now," I backed away and said, "but then again it really might be some kind of machine they are hiding and not what we are looking for."

"They're not using any kind of machine," a girl from behind us crept in and asked, "you don't look like you are with the reporters, who are you two? If you are here for trouble, you better get moving."

The Girl: 'If only I didn't use it, none of this would have happened.'

Eh? Is she the one?

"You're the 'healing hands' person?" I asked with doubt in my eyes, but the girl's expression told me that I was right as a shocked look surfaced on her and her lips moved and asked, "that's weird, usually no one would think a girl is related to a firefighter job, yet what made you think that it was me?"

Well, I read your thoughts…

"You are just…. Surrounded by that kind of aura…" I said while avoiding eye contact to prevent her from seeing through my lie.

Izumi: 'he totally read her thoughts…'

Izumi started poking me and whispered in my ears, "is she the one?" and I whispered back, "probably, I'm not sure yet," Izumi glared at me and yelled in my ear, "then dig deeper and figure it out!!"

This moron thinks it's that simple, but my head explode with unbearable headache if I dig inside often …

"If I buy you time, can you figure it out?" Izumi suggested with a serious look on his face, I nodded unconsciously despite knowing that buying time will probably not help out much.

Izumi approached the girl and said, "to be honest, it's not because of your aura but it's because you helped us before and we wanted to thank you properly."

Oh, that's a good excuse for an Izumi.

"Oh, don't bother with that, the best thanks you can give us is that you are alive and doing fine," the girl rejected him bluntly and started walking to the station and said, "now then, I'll be going."

Izumi: 'WHAT!?'

So, she went with that, huh? It will be hard to recover from that.

"Wait a minute!" Izumi yelled making the girl turn around and look at us while frowning, Izumi said while sweating cold sweat, "my grandpa's last words before he died were that we should treat you to a meal as thanks"

What kind of pathetic last words were these!?!

Izumi: 'Believe it …. Believe it…. believe it…'

Dude, no one will believe that kind of nonsense.

The girl moved her hand on her mouth and a tear slipped out of her eye, "he really said that?" Izumi froze stiff with his mouth wide open.

Izumi: 'she's so easy to trick, what the hell?'

I can't agree more.

"y-yeah, h-he did!" Izumi answered while stuttering, and the girl nodded and asked, "then where shall we go? Chili's is right around the corner? I really like their food."

"Nah, we can't go to a place that expensive," Izumi rejected while looking at his phone, the girl face showed huge disappointment.

I guess she really wanted to go to Chili's… plus, what the hell is with Izumi? He should match up the story he made up, if it was his grandpa's dying words he should treat her to an expensive one at least!

Izumi stared at me and a huge grin surfaced on his face, and told her, "I'll take you to McDonald and this guy will pay, he insisted."

No, I did not!

Eventually, we decided to go to McDonald and as we sat on one of the tables, the girl crossed her hands and asked with a smile on her face, "so, what is the real reason?"

I raised one eyebrow and asked, "you knew it was a lie and came?" she nodded, Izumi asked, "but why?" the girl looked at him and her grin grew wider, and she said playfully, "because free food~"

Izumi closed his eyes and nodded saying, "I completely understand."

These brats…

"Well, if it comes like this, we won't hide anything either," I said while crossing my fingers, and continued, "we are looking for something and we are assuming that the person with 'healing hands' have it in their possession, so asking bluntly, are you that person? Or do you have any idea who it might have been referring to?"

"Please, it's something that can save someone we have to save no matter what, if you know anything tell us," Izumi added begging desperately.

"Well, I wish I can help you, but it's not something I can show carelessly," the girl said before looking down and mumbling, "I only showed it to people once and it caused that uproar…"

So, she really was the one…

"But I don't understand, if you have something as amazing as a healing ability why are you not using it?" Izumi scolded but the girl looked confused and responded, "healing ability?"

"eh?" Izumi exclaimed and asked, "that's not what you meant?"

The girl laughed awkwardly and stood up and held a knife against her hand and put a glass under, she looked at us and said, "look carefully," and sliced her finger off with the knife, and instead of a blood rushing out of the wound, water rushed out and turned the sliced finger into water, she told us, "this is the kind of ability I had," while showing us her hand as her finger returned to normal.

"So damn cool!" Izumi yelled in surprise, "when a part of your body gets cut off from the rest of your body it turns into water and the sliced part in your body generates and return to normal?" I asked astonished by the fact that I saw.

"Yeah," the girl responded and added, "but the water that get produced is not drinkable, I had a friend look at it without knowing it's resource and it turned out to be toxic, so even if I generate water infinitely it's not usable."

"So, your water works like how our blood work, but that's weird, our blood only became poisonous after transferring it to another body, does that mean you made someone else drink the water you make before?" I investigated, but she shook her head sideways.

"But is that it?" Izumi asked her looking disappointed, "you don't heal others?" he added.

"The advertisement came after I saved a boy when his whole body was on fire, I merely turned my whole body into water and put the fire out, but the reporter overreacted and said healing hands and such…" the girl answered feeling guilty about Izumi's disappointment.

Hearing that, Izumi slammed his fist on the table frowning and shaking from anger, he mumbled, "damn it all."

He must be frustrated, since all the hopes he had for the healing ability have now turned into a disappointment.

The girl patted Izumi's shoulder and said, "just like how you found me, don't you think you'll be able to find the person you're looking for eventually?"

Izumi glared at her and pushed her hand away, "eventually is not enough, we don't have much time left," before leaving the table saying, "toilet."

The girl looked at Izumi's back and said, "the person you are trying to heal, must be someone so important," I corrected her, "not really, he met that person today for the first time ever. That guy is desperately trying to save someone else. How idiotic of him, not like he'll gain anything from this."

"You're mistaken, he'll gain a lot," the girl said while smiling sorrowfully, "not regretting it later, is enough."

I felt my heart tightening again and anger swelled my throat as I see another demonstration of those so called 'feelings' people are capable of feeling. The thing I was robbed from.

This girl too, is full of them… the emotions I'll never be able to understand.

If only I could get as angry as Izumi, as sad as this girl, then maybe I won't be feeling this left out, then maybe I will have something to pursue like them.

With an immortal body like this, the only thing I can pursue now, is death.

"By the way, we didn't introduce ourselves," the girl said cheerfully extending her hand toward me and said, "I'm Osaki Nana, you can call me Nana."

"Hoga Yasahiro," I said while shaking her hand, "that guy is Izumi, but unlike your ability, his ability is harder to demonstrate without causing a scene, so instead I'll show you mine."

Nana: 'Harder to demonstrate? Does it have explosions or something? I kind of want to see it now.'

"Harder to demonstrate? Does it have explosions or something? I kind of want to see it now," I said staring at her shocked face as she yelled, "how did you know that!? Esper!?!?!"

"It's my ability, I can read minds," I said looking at her eyes as they sparkle with curiosity.

"I'm sorry for before," Izumi said as he appeared out of nowhere and sat on the table, he continued, "I was just so frustrated that it wasn't what we were looking for."

"it's fine, it's fine, I would be mad too if that happened to me!" Nana said cheerfully, and continued, "by the way, what do you guys know about these abilities? How we got them?"

"We have no idea as well," Izumi said letting out a sigh, "How disappointing! I didn't think there were others like me, so it didn't bother me, but now that I know, it feels frustrating!" Nana said while slamming her hand on the table, and she continued, "if I knew, I would have preferred it to be another ability! Like flying or becoming invisible! Or even reading minds! I feel that would be so handy!"

She's like a clone of Izumi, like one Izumi wasn't enough.

"I know, right!?" Izumi yelled and said, "I feel like if we can read minds we can cheat with ease!!" and Nana agreed strongly, "also, we'll nail job interviews easily too! We can get the perfect answers right out of the interviewer mind!" then they both started laughing out loud making everyone in the restaurant shift their eyes toward us.

"Shall we go back then? We'll drive you back to the station, Nana," I said trying to stop this public humiliation, "your name is Nana!?" Izumi asked her, and she responded, "Yeah, you're Izumi, right?"

Seeing no action of them getting up, I dragged them both out of the restaurant, and while dragging them out they both yelled at me, "but we didn't eat yet!!!"

Why do I feel like a father that have two brats!?