BIP Ch. 7: Women Are Scary When Angered...

Melissa couldn't help feeling uncomfortable. She was forced into the freaks' class after the chairman, of all people, found out her secret. She wasn't smart enough to be in the normal classes to begin with and only entered with her families recommendation. She felt disrespected that she had to transfer. It's not like she could argue with the chairman.

How do I explain this to my family? She thought.

"Hey!" Someone called from behind Melissa.

She turned around to see a petite girl with a long ponytail swinging behind her. The air around he was stagnant and you could see that she wasn't in a good mood.

It's that girl called Lillian, at least that's what Melissa thought she was called.

"What?" Melissa replied in an annoyed tone and raised eyebrows.

Suddenly, there was a slight cold and the people around them froze.

No, everything's frozen, Melissa thought.

"Time for us to have a talk, transfer student. "


I sat in my room surrounded by my girlfriends and wives(1).

"Anthony! Dinners ready, are you going to eat?" My mom called.

"Not hungry!" I scream back.

I slide in between the body pillows, Mio-tan(2) the closest to me. Rather than my usual, watching my scheduled anime's that I record while I'm at school, I lay in bed just thinking.

Melissa is weird, I thought. How could she not fall for my sexy self?!

I'm so handsome that people drool!

I'm so drop dead gorgeous that people don't even have the right to be jealous!

I'm so.. ugh narcissistic...

After thinking this I wanted to bury myself in a hole and not come out. No wonder, she said that. Even I feel grossed out right now. I press my forearm to my head and feel the cool sensation and finally feel awake.

I have to go to school tomorrow, I have to face her, I have to sit next to her.

"Disgusting," replayed in my mind.

I'm... I'm scared to go to school...

"Mom!" I screamed.

"What? What?" She called running into my room panicked.

It's not like I burned anything... I cant even have a microwave... never mind I once short-circuited the outlets when I had too many things plugged in...

Nothing burned, I promise...

I look up at my mom's tired, yet beautiful face without shame and state:

"I don't feel good," I said, knowing it wouldn't work.

She touched my wrist to feel my pulse, then touched my forehead, before quickly smacking me upside the head. As expected of a practitioners nurse, "you're not sick," she said. "You have a perfect temperature. Lord, even that he has perfect."

"It's my stomach, I don't have a cold."

"Liar, you've never been sick in your life. Be thankful that you were blessed with perfect health."

Yeah, I thought. I'm super thankful. I'll have to go to school.

Mom looked at me without the need to know that I caused trouble today and just gently smiled. She grabbed my arm and dragged me downstairs.

"Now, come eat," mom said.

Why am I being dragged everywhere? Well, at least I don't have to walk. I wonder if I could live the life of a sloth...

At the very least, I won't be handsome... wait, nope, that was a scary thought.

I, Anthony D'Angelo, am jumping for joy knowing I am HUMAN.

I ate, I bathed, I played Dance, Dance Revolution(3), I slept and a new day started again.

Only an hour and 20 minutes, or so, until my real trial starts again.