Adventure (12)

Max ran along the hallway of the dungeon at the fastest speed that he could do. He tried to look for any obstacle that he could use, however, the monsters are nowhere to be found. From his recollection of the map, he was a couple of corners away from the barrier and transportation matrix heading for the next floor. This gave him a boost of energy while he kept running for his life.

"Just one more corner," Max said while doing his best to lead the demon to his location. There was only a small gap from his and the demon's speed, the demon was already mad from being unable to catch up to Max.

Max saw the pillar that is used to transport to the next floor, he gathered strength to his legs and dashed all at once to the transportation matrix. His hand paused on top of the pillar, he was not touching it, but he was prepared to transport himself any minute. He wanted to check if the demon would be able to destroy the barrier on this level.

Sfx *BANG*

A loud explosion was heard, like a metal ball hitting cement. Max could feel the floor vibrate for a second. However, the barrier still stood, protecting him from the demon. He was able to stare at the complete figure of the demon with the lights coming from the barrier and the pillar.

The demon was doing the same, he was staring at Max as if wanting to devour him whole. There was saliva dripping from his mouth, smoke was coming out of his mouth each time he breathes.

Sfx *bam bam bam*

The demon used his fists to punch the barrier, you can see spider-like cracks forming while he battered his fists on the barrier, however, it would heal in a couple of seconds. This gave Max hope that he may be able to trap the demon until the higher ranked adventurers came to help.

Although everything seems to take a long time, not more than an hour has passed, from the demon being summoned to him baiting the demon to follow him.

Sfx *bam bam bam bam*

Continuous banging sounds could be heard as the demon did not give up hitting the barrier. Max became confused as the demon seems to lack any rationality, he wondered if something in the summoning went wrong or if the demon from the world that has been summoned from all acted this way.

The demon stopped hitting the barrier and just stood there, standing tall like a tiger, getting ready to pounce any moment.

Sfx *thwack*

Something sounded different the demon attacked the barrier but he only did it once, the attack produced a crack but it was not the same spider web cracks as before, one can see the barrier caved in from that one attack.

Max with wide opened eyes looked at what the demon used.

It was his tail with spikes along the side, the spikes had the same luster as its horns. Its length was one third of its body size. The tail was now lifted up high as if gathering momentum, Black aura was covering its entirety, the demon took its time as if filling and accumulating its tail with energy.

The barrier was not yet done healing when another thunder like sound echoed in the dungeon.

Sfx *thwack*

Max saw that the brightness of the barrier's matrix was dimming down compared to what it was before, this shows how much power the tail attack of the demon was. It was very frightening indeed.

However, Max could not leave this level without the demon behind him, he did not have the answer to the most important question he had.

"Will the demon be able to pass the pillar and leave to the next door." He asked himself. He wanted to retreat and leave the demon behind. But, reason told him that it was not the best action to take. The explanation given to the adventurers said that only adventurers could get pass by the transportation matrix.

"Lumi," Max called out.

Lumi appeared right beside him in her fairy form. She did not have many changes from the last time she had evolved, however, her healing abilities had become stronger compared to before. It put Max's mind in ease knowing that Lumi was beside him.

"Lumi, I'm in a lot of trouble. Please heal me when the time comes that I need it the most." Max said to Lumi who was flying beside him. Lumi gave Max a nod, confirming that she understood his request.

Lumi could feel the frightening aura that was coming from the demon on the other side of the barrier.

Max took out the dagger that his Master gave him, although he was not able to properly practice and understand its uses, this was the only weapon he had at the moment.


Another thunderous tail swipe attacked the barrier, the barrier looked like a mirror that had cracks on it, and any minute it will fall to pieces. Max's grip on the dagger's handle tightened, he was preparing to attack any minute. From the looks of the barrier, one more attack and it will be completely destroyed.

Max remembered what his Master has told him about the dagger, They believe that it was perfect with his light magic. He accumulated his light magic attribute mana and guided it towards his dagger. However, nothing happened to the dagger. The mana dispersed, while the dagger remained in its blackened colored state like before.

"If it was not his mana, then what is he supposed to do?" He asked himself. He did not have time to think much about the matter when Lumi, on her own, stretched her delicate hands towards the dagger before Max could stop her.

But to his surprise, the dagger accepted Lumi's touch, wherever, Lumi's hand touched, the dagger turned into a silver color, a far cry from its original color. The core which was in the hilt of the dagger started to resonate with Lumi's touch and white lights started to sparkle from it.

Lumi, who was full of curiosity towards the sparkling light of the core, touched the core. When she did, Lumi disappeared from Max's sight while the dagger turned to a complete silver color and its hilt turned white.

"Lumi!" Max shouted as Lumi disappeared from his sight. He was more worried about his partner's disappearance rather than the changes that happened to the dagger.

Original novel by Chuchuwachuwa