World Tree (2)

The height of the World Tree, to sum it up; it was unimaginable. Only clouds and the thick leaves of the tree could be seen. Though that was the case, the air was filled with the World Tree's energy. Being able to bathe in the World Tree's energy made Max's body feel refreshed. He could feel the life energy coursing through his body. Enveloping every pore as it circulates through his body. This sudden absorption of life energy by his body baffled him.

He knew that not everyone could do the same. It was mostly elves, their bodies have innate talents for magic control and perception. This fact was widely known on the continent. Their efficiency with magic control is known for being the best. Although there are some races trying to contest this, there is much to be researched and information to be gathered to prove this wrong.

Max did not notice for how long they have walked.

"We are here," Orville said.

They were in front of a large tree door. What was amazing was it truly was a door made of the tree itself. The abode was inside the world tree. Max could not fathom the size of the abode, he was unable to identify the sheer size of the trunk of the World Tree. The branches itself were as thick as logs from the largest trees he had seen on earth.

Once they stepped close to the vicinity of the tree door, it opened on its own as though telling the visitors to enter. It was amazing how the door opened like an automatic sliding door from his world.

As they entered, Max thought that the inside would be crammed or stuffy. But that was not the case, the hall connecting the inner walls of the tree was large, just like a normal hall from his world.

The door behind them close on its own. However, fresh air was still circulated inside, the feeling of stuffiness did not occur. Instead, the freshness from the air was more prominent inside, he did not know if it was the effects of the World Tree itself.

Once the door closed, a sudden light source started to shine on the walls of the hall. One could see jewel-like stones mounted on the walls. However, what was peculiar was it did not look as though it was mounted there, by external means, as though it grew with the tree as there was a sense of congruity. The pale white light that shined the way made it perfect for the inside of the abode. Not too bright this can hurt the eyes, but not too dim which made one hard to walk with. It was perfect, as though everything was planned from the start.

They continued walking the passage straight away. There were other rooms and ways that branched out to who knows where, but Max followed Orville. They had been walking for about 15 minutes and yet they have not reached their destination. This goes to show the size of the World Tree from the inside, and this could only be considered a small part as the whole tree was intermingled with other huge branches that covered all across the elven forest.

Finally, it stopped in front of a huge tree door which was twice as big as the one in front. The door once again opened on its own. Inside the door was a simple room. Simple, not because of the size but because of the things inside the room. The room was filled with lines and lines of cabinets that were filled with scrolls and books. Max could not identify most of them as the language that could be seen from the outside was not something he had seen before. From the side, the only desk inside the room was filled with books and scrolls that it accumulated like a small mountain. The chair could not be seen due to the books that were piled up on the desk. Max was still looking around the books and scrolls all over the place.

The light source seems to become brighter when one gets near the bookcases. But before he could reach and grab a book. A soft coughing sound could be heard from behind the huge pile of the books from the small mountain on the desk.

"Please do not touch the books without permission." The sound of a man's voice could be heard.

Max followed where the sound of the voice came from, but all he could see was the piled up books on the desk. Though he was disappointed as he was not able to see the contents, he could only stand beside Orville and hide his discontent as this was not his house.

"You never change Rivelt. You value those books way too much. You should definitely go out more instead of locking yourself inside." Orville's laughter resonated in the whole room. His melodious voice that could be described as better than a bard's, felt like he was humming a tune rather than laughing.

"Says the person who should be staying inside the elven forest rather than adventuring outside." The person name Rivelt gave a "humph" as he stood from his desk.

Original novel by Chuchuwachuwa.