Tian Long

At an unknown place and time. Somewhere in the vastness of the dark space. An insurmountable amount of lifeless bodies floated with varying degrees of carnage, clear signs that a battle of unprecedented proportions took place.

Amidst the carnage. Seven people, four men, and three women, all of them with varying degrees of wounds and exhaustion, surrounded the lone figure of an exhausted old man.

He was a man of medium build. He wore a once white silk robe that hung to the knee, now stained by blood. He had a head full of disheveled snow-white hair that fell to the hip, and a short white beard. Wrinkles filled his olive-colored face, proof of the vicissitudes of time the old man had lived. Still light shined in those black eyes, deep as the darkness of the space they stood.

A man that looked in his mid-forties took a step and with a superior tone said: "Surrender Tian Long. The alliance of sects and kingdoms you created to oppose my Heaven devouring sect lies destroyed. Now only you remain, no matter how mighty you are. You alone stand no chance against us,"

Tian Long stood in silence, looking with his deep black eyes at the enemy leader. The leader did not dare to be rash and attack right away. He was still wary of Tian Long's battle prowess, still wanting him to surrender in peace.

Tian Long stood thinking. After a few breaths of time, he spoke.

"Dark devourer, I may be incapable of winning against you with my prowess and saving the galaxy of your devil sect. However, I'm not without cards to play,".

Tian Long took out a small black sphere. The sphere rested in the palm of his hand. The sphere had tens of thousands of small inscriptions that started glowing with the intensity of a sun.

Dark devoured and his generals attacked as soon as they watched the sphere appear, but it was too late as before they could reach Tian Long. They found they could not take a step forward. Time itself had frozen.

The sphere in Tian Long continued to increase its glow intensity. They saw all the heavenly Qi from the battle that took place and the divine Qi still inside the Dantian of the fallen cultivators dashed off towards the black sphere.

After a few more moments, their horror began. They felt all the heavenly Qi inside their bodies being absorbed by the black sphere; they tried to struggle, but to no avail. Nothing they did allowed them to escape the area of effect. This all takes time to describe, but in reality, it happened in a single breath time.

Dark devourer looked at Tian Long's eyes full of hatred. He did not know the effect of the black sphere, but he knew the effect of it would be terrible for them. With the vast amount of Divine Qi, it was amassing. Furthermore, the Dark devourer noticed that Tian Long was also being subject to the effects of the black sphere. Dark Devourer noticed Tian Long Divine Qi was also being devoured by the sphere. However, this brought him no joy, as he understood this most likely was Tian Long's sacrifice to kill them. His heart grew cold and the hatred in his eyes toward Tian Long intensified tenfold. They had won against the alliance formed to stop them. Yet their victory would not come to be, all because of a geezer that already had a foot in the grave.

Tian Long looked at the sphere, waiting for it to be ready. This was his masterpiece, something he had created, perhaps by nostalgia, or perhaps as a last resort in case the alliance failed. Even he was not sure why he had created this artifact, however, now that he had activated it, there was no going back. It was a onetime use artifact.

As Tian Long waited. He looked at the generals and, to the dark devoured, a playful smile appeared on his face. He saw the terror they were experimenting. It was a little payback. They had exhausted the lives of countless planets in order to increase their cultivation. Now their galaxy was little more than a cemetery of planets with no sentient life on them.

Once the artifact was ready, Tian Long spoke. With a calm voice that resembled more the sound of thunder than the voice of a human:

"Heaven time controller activate. Take me to my home planet. At the time of my transmigration to the world of Elaria, take me to planet Earth,"

With those words spoken, all the light produced by the heaven time controller contracted back to the sphere. Light enveloped Tian Long as he disappeared.

Tian Long opened his eyes. He stood before the planet he had called home over one million years ago.

Before he transmigrated into the body of Tian Long. He went by the name of Li Chang, a useless memory before, but now he stood here before planet Earth, days after he had transmigrated to the world of Elaria. The planet where he grew, loved, and gave life to his descendants. Where he took his first life of many that he reaped during his long existence, however, there was always a lingering feeling of longing for his home planet.

Now he had returned, he wanted to see his family once again. Of course, he understood that he no longer had the body of Li Cheng. Instead, he sat in space in a meditative position to recover his Divine Qi. He then scanned the planet with his divine sense. After a few moments he located his family, he saw his parents holding the funeral rites for Li Cheng. A pang of sadness overcome Tian Long. He wanted to reassure his past parents but refrained from doing it.

He no longer was Li Cheng, he now was Tian Long. To him, coming here was a last resource. He only wanted to stop the Heavenly devouring sect from killing the scarce, sentient life remaining in the Azure galaxy. To him, creating the Heavenly time controller had been an impulse. He never expected it would come in handy to eradicate the upper echelons of the devil's sect.

After all, what had happen in the Azure Galaxy was no longer, something for him to care about. He was now as good as dead. He knew the distance that he would need to traverse would be immense. Just going there now it would take him thousands of years at full speed.