Great Library

Tian Long allowed them a few moments to take in the world's view and of him, this was the first time they were laying eyes upon him, some wanted to say something for suddenly changing their lives but refrained from doing so the benefits they would receive were immense not to mention that most likely Tian Long could kill them with a thought, also the numbing sensation that Tian Long had made them felt was still in effect.

After a few breaths time, Tian Long began explaining: "I have put barriers on the zones that humans won't be able to access for the next fifty years, these zones marked on blue are not to become eligible for your settlement, these areas will allow spirit herbs and demon beast to thrive and then humans with enough capability could harvest its rewards, as for the rest of the areas you are free to choose an area to inhabit and protect of seventy million square kilometers."

After saying that Tian Long allowed the humans to choose their territories, he wasn't worried about them wanting the same territories as even taking out of the equation the lands he had restricted and their territories did not take even thirty percent of the land available.

The representatives didn't know where to choose after all; the landmass was simply massive, and many places looked appealing; they had thought perhaps to choose the land where their country had once been, but with so much changed to the planet, the continental masses differed much from their knowledge.

A middle-aged man named Alexander slowly approached Tian Long and asked him if he could suggest a place where his family could thrive, Tian Long thought for a moment and then dismissed the man stating that this was their choice that would shape their family destiny, it was not his place to step in.

Disgruntled, the man did not dare to pursue the matter. Some other people that had had similar thoughts dismissed them.

Tian Long had informed them that they were not o occupy the same land, although in the future they could form treaties or alliances if they so wished.

Like that, the councils deliberated for a long time and the patriarchs and matriarchs fell into deep thought searching for suitable land for their families and sects to develop and thrive, Tian Long patiently waited for them to decide the location they selected would determine the starting point of their group.

After a few hours, they selected their lands to be, there were some occasions when they wanted the same land but after a little discussion they agreed on where they were going to settle, the families chose mostly valleys close to lakes, however, two families decided differently, once would settle in a giant oasis inside a massive dessert and the other family had settled on a mountain range with a river that traversed right in the middle.

As per the sects, most of them settled on mountain ranges with lush forests, while one sect settled in a valley in the tundra that lay in the northern part of the world.

Once all the groups informed Tian Long of where they would settle, Tian Long waved his hand and all the representatives returned to the white cube.

After that, he sent once again his consciousness to the representatives of the families, once there he informed them that each family was special because through their bloodline or bodies a special constitution may appear in talented members of their families, Tian long told each family their special constitution those being:

1.- Pure Yang Body

2.-Pure Ying Body

3.- Heavenly Warrior Body

4.- Qi-blessed body

5.- Ancient Dragon bloodline

6.- Blue Phoenix bloodline

7.- Heavenly Demon bloodline

8.- Great Shadow bloodline

9.- Violet Sky bloodline

Tian Long also explained that while each constitution gifted the person with increased talent and comprehension, the level of the gift depended largely on the grade of the body or bloodline of the person, the grades being low, middle, high superior, and complete, each grade up the ladder provided an exponential growth of the talent and comprehension of the person, at the very least a low grade constitution guaranteed a medium spiritual root and a complete constitution almost secured a divine spiritual root.

Once Tian Long finished explaining the benefits of their constitutions Tian Long once more reunited the representatives of families and sects and moved them inside the cube, they were once more in a meadow, except this time before them stood a red and white beautifully carved with dragons and phoenixes a four-floor pagoda, all the representatives thought a world wonder stood before them for how beautifully made the pagoda was.

While the representatives were in their trance observing the pagoda an avatar of Tian Long appeared and told them breaking them from their stupor "Each floor contains cultivation manuals and techniques manuals those last ones range from martial arts, weapon arts, movement arts to auxiliary or supplemental arts, their grade divided by floor, the mortal techniques are on the first floor, earth techniques in the second, sky techniques in the third and heaven techniques in the four-floor, once you have selected a manual you want to purchase just grab it and say purchase"

Tian Long allowed a few breaths time for the information to be assimilated by the mortals, then he continued "Each family will get ten million merit points and they can use them to gain what they consider necessary for your families and sects." as Tian Long finished saying those words his avatar simply disappeared leaving their representatives to choose the techniques.


Damian one of the representatives of the Violet Sky bloodline family, 20 years old, was a normal complexion leaning a bit towards chubby Caucasian male with a few moles on his arms and neck, with a head filled with dark brown hair, beard, and eyes, he was wearing a pair of blue jeans, sneakers and a gray t-shirt.

"So we should split the ten million between each of us that way each will have a million and we will cover a larger area" said James say, he was the de facto leader of the representatives of the Family, he wore similar facial characteristics to Damian although rougher and a bit taller and a tad tanner, he had a domineering aura about him, he wore a pair of jeans, white t-shirt, and sneakers.

"Maybe we could stick together. That way, we all can reach a consensus on what techniques to get. What do the others think?" said Celia, a tall woman with brown skin and a delicate face. Her eyes and hair were dark brown. She wore a t-shirt and some shorts and sandals.