Return to earth

Time passed and soon the three years period was about to end today. They would return to earth. During that time, the family had organized different types of combats to let the members gain combat experience.

Damian was now eighteen years old, had waist-long hair still full dark brown with a streak of white hair, a characteristic he had since young, eyes dark brown with a violet hue, and a handsome face.

He had managed to reach the fourth layer of the Golden Core realm. His foundation establishment tribulation was difficult, but he managed to survive it. He had also achieved the tenth layer of the foundation establishment realm and survived the tribulation.

The family had learned that the tenth layer of the foundation establishment realm was banned and unreachable for those that did not reach the tenth layer in the Qi condensation realm.

Not everyone had attempted to reach it, and from those who had attempted it. Around one hundred had died, but thousands more had reached it. A few didn't attempt it, they considered that the strength gained was not worth the risk of facing stronger tribulations every time they transcended a realm, as they would face a greater threat of death.

Of those who didn't attempt to reach the three-layer, all were above forty years old before their bodies were rejuvenated.

All his brothers had faced the tenth layer of the Qi condensation and Foundation Establishment. Jack was above Damian in the sixth layer of the Golden Core realm. Rodrick and Caleb reached the first layer of the Golden Core realm. Jurgen was in the tenth layer of the Foundation Establishment.

Damian on his part had been holding back his advancement to the fifth layer of the Golden Core. He had focused most of the past year on further improving the achievement of his techniques. he now had achieved master level on the [Fallen Weeping Willow movement art]. Master level on the [Ten Thousand Jade Swords Make One Copper Sword art]. Master level in the [Divine Defensive Lotus art]. A great achievement in the [Great Sky Sundering Palm art]. A great achievement in, [Ten Thousand Rain Drops Strengthens The mind]. A great achievement in the [The forest restores the tree manual]. An achievement in [Qi Sundering art], and an achievement in the [A Drop In An Ocean].

Because of his training in the [Ten Thousand Jade Swords Make One Copper Sword art] he had attained achievement sword intent. he had dedicated a significant part of this cultivation schedule to strengthening his foundation. He didn't want to feel so utterly unprepared when facing tribulation lightning again.

He had also invested himself in learning the path of an inscriptionist he had memorized by heart the apprentice, journeyman, and expert guides by heart. However, in practice, he found himself he was at the peak of the journeyman level.

He had inscribed his sword with a Qi accumulation rune and transformed it to the lightning affinity of his sword that he now called thunder jade sword.

He also had inscribed some wood pieces with minor effects. The thing he lacked most were materials to work on and improve.

He also changed the swords of his brothers, giving them a little edge, and a small protection token to them and to himself.

All the family stood around the library pagoda. Now no longer did they wear their previous clothing. Everyone was wearing a cultivator robe all of them violet, with some white cloud pattern, the only difference between the robes was the end of the sleeves and the collar as both had a streak of color blue for Foundation Establishment and golden for Golden Core realm cultivators.

Damian looked back at all the changes his family had gone through and the ones that they would now need to face. The realm was a safe haven, where they faced no dangers outside of the tribulation lightning. They now would need to fight demon beasts to stand their ground and defend their settlement from other humans.

As they all readied themselves, the library downsized to once more become a ball of gray light. The light this time flew to Damian. He was the guardian of the library. The light entered Damian's chest he instinctively knew that all he needed to do was summon it and the library would appear.

Tian Long voice sounded. "Violet Sky Clan it is time. Remember to honor your word as the protectors of the land you have selected, it is your duty to ensure the demon beast are kept at bay. I have put the families that selected your settlement to sleep. I will send them one week later for you to start creating the settlement. The young offspring below the age of eight will be sent one week later after that."

All members of the family bowed and said, "We remember our duty, Lord Tian Long."

Like that, they disappeared from the special space and reappeared once more on earth, in the land they had selected. It was a beautiful valley to the south. A beautiful long river passed to the west, a lush forest filled with tall trees.

Even with the people that had died due to tribulation. The Violet Sky Clan as they had decided to call themselves, after their special constitution. Still stood over three hundred thousand strong with less than three hundred of them still in the later stages of the Qi condensation and a vast majority in the middle and later stages of the Foundation Establishment.

Only around four thousand clansmen were in the Golden Core realm. Two thousand of them were in the early stage of the realm, and the other two thousand varied from the four-layer to the fifth. whereas there were only four people in the sixth layer, James, Max, Jack, and Celia.

However, they had learned that cultivation level was not everything. As Damian even if was at the four-layer could win against someone in the fifth layer, numerous matches had demonstrated this. However, not all matches had been won, he did from time to time have a match end in a tie.