Winning the battle

As the Spider had moved out of the way of the palm along with the swords evaded, it continued forward towards hundreds of poor Qi Condensation and Foundation Establishment spiders that just were not fast enough to avoid an attack at the speed level of someone in the Golden Core realm.

In an all-out attack, the spider gave its back to Damian. From where its spinnerets used to be a black ray erupted as it shot towards Damian. A part of the black ray created a defensive cocoon for the spider, and the abdomen of the spider began deflating at a visible pace. It was obvious the spider would not be able to use the ray for more than ten breaths time.

Damian felt dread upon the sight of the black ray. He instinctively knew it was an attack at the latter stages of the Golden Core realm. He knew if it touched him; he was a goner. He, however, could not just evade. The members of his party stood a hundred meters behind him. Even if they had a chance to evade, it would be unwise to allow the spider to freely change targets. It was better to avoid casualties.

So Damian unleashed once more a [Great Sky Sundering Palm art]. As he did so, he called back the [Divine Defensive Lotus art] from the other team members and summoned the seventh lotus.

Damian fused three of the lotuses in front of each other and sent it to protect him a few meters ahead of him. He then fused the remaining four lotuses to make a bigger and stronger defensive lotus. This stronger lotus he used to cocoon himself inside. At his current level of attainment, he could not fuse all seven lotuses into a single stronger defensive lotus.

Damian activated the runes on his Thunder sword and began gathering green lightning.

As he finished those actions. The [Great Sky Sundering Palm art] gave in to the black ray attack. Damian still needed to withstand the attack six more breaths of time before the Spider run out of Qi and wasted its life away.

The rest of the spiders noticed the technique of the stronger of them. They knew if it failed to kill the human, they would all die. So all the remaining spiders rained down attacks on Damian.

Christine, Raymond, Paul, Nathalia, and Nathan, although not used to fighting demon beasts. Much less in these numbers knew that they had not given their best performance, although it wasn't a bad one either. They used this opportunity to swiftly cut down the number of spiders and to provide cover to Damian from the attacks he was receiving.

Christine took over Damian in creating Lotuses for all six of them, the one for Damian she sent over to stand between Damian's defensive lotus.

Nathan and Nathalia made sure to eliminate the rain of attack sent to Damian by the spiders, while Paul and Raymond used their stronger attacks to eliminate thousands of spiders.

The spiders' numbers have reduced to only ten percent of what they were in the beginning. Still, there were around a few thousand.

The black ray reached the first defensive lotus and after only two breaths time it collapsed. Christine's shield break apart, stopping the black ray a little less than a breath's time, but gave time to Damian to unleash the lightning he had been accumulating.

As the lightning impacted the black ray, it momentarily stopped. a few seconds after, the black ray continued. Damian still had to hold three breaths time before the spider run out of power.

As the Ray was about to collide Nathan performed the [Soaring Heavenly Dragon art] and Christine performed the [Ten Thousand Jade Swords Make One Copper Sword art] attacking the black ray. Their combined attack managed to stop it for two whole breaths of time but didn't stop as soon it continued towards Damian's defensive lotus.

As the black ray collided with Damian's defensive Lotus, Damian retreated from there. His goal had been accomplished. The spider had not attacked other team members, and they had put through the ten breaths of time.

The defensive lotus trembled but didn't break as the black ray thinned out. The cocoon on the spider began to crack, revealing a withered-out spider with no signs of life on it. However, Damian would not risk it. After seeing what it was capable of when put against a corner, he used the [Fallen Weeping Willow movement art] and appeared above the spider as he swiftly used the blade of the technique to chop off its head.

The head of the spider put no resistance. Soon the spider's head touched the ground, and all the team members heaved a sigh of relief. If things had been different, they would be the ones lying dead. They had used more than half of their Qi in this battle. Nathalia and Paul were out of it.

They realized that if they hadn't achieved the tenth layer in previous realms, they would have attacked less fiercely to save energy, and that could end up being their downfall.

Then they slaughtered the spiders. However, by Christine's request, they would leave five in the Qi condensation realm alive, as she wanted to capitalize on their silk.

The battle from the arrival of the team to finish killing the spiders took less than five minutes, yet there were over one hundred thousand spiders lying dead.

On the spiders, they had let alive. They used [Qi sundering] turning them basically on mortal spiders, then using a technique Christine put them to sleep.

Each member collected a sleeping spider, except Damian. He took the carcass of the abdomen of two of the peak Foundation Establishment spiders. He then instructed the team to retreat two miles towards the settlement to rest and replenish their Qi.

They arrived a few minutes later. They all sat to restore their Qi. Damian took his blade and cut down a tree, and after several swift movements of the sword, he created a wooden needle. He also cut part of the three into tree fiber, then he knotted the fiber to create yarn. After a few minutes of trial and error and hundreds of swift movements from his hands, he created a few meters of yarn.

With that done, he took the abdomen of the spiders and cut them into ten patches of skin. The gunk and viscera that stained the hide were removed with the use of Qi. He could not produce something like leather right here, but he would make do. He took one piece of hide and with the needle injected with some of his Qi, inscribed the hide using a blueprint pattern in his guides of inscriptionist he had learned. After several minutes, he put a piece of yarn through the needle and began to sew the hide into a small bag.