Return to the city

Cedric wore a pensive expression as he assessed the truth behind Damian's words and contemplated the future relationship between their clans. The Lambert clan needed a strong ally in the treacherous world they inhabited, and they were aware that their tea and divination abilities would be sought after not only by the Violet Sky Clan but also by other clans in the city. They would become an essential presence in the city. However, they were also wary of human greed and thus felt the need to form alliance bonds.

"I understand, Elder Damian. Please consider, in your negotiations, that the Lambert clan is willing to forge an agreement with the Violet Sky clan to secure the prosperity of both our clans. If you grant us access to the flame, we can provide tea crafted by our masters and offer assistance with the fate and luck of the Violet Sky clan," Cedric calmly voiced his proposal. They exchanged a few more words before their allotted time came to an end, and they had to continue their journey.

As they reached the edge of the forest, they paused, relieved that the rest of the trip had been incident-free.

"It seems we've made it out of the forest," Nathan remarked.

"Yes, we have. Now, to avoid any unnecessary confrontations, Nathan, you will go to the clan compound and bring back my brother Jack and James swiftly, to prevent any potential trouble," Damian instructed.

Nathan obeyed and hurried towards the city.

"Elder Cedric, we can part ways here if you'd like. As previously stated, this opportunity greatly benefits both of us. I hope we can establish a friendly relationship," Damian said to Cedric.

Cedric raised an eyebrow at Damian's words, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Only friendship, huh? That's disappointing. I had hoped for a more direct approach, but it seems you are too shy," Cedric expressed with a hint of disappointment. He then added, "We will stand guard to further deter any mishaps."

"I truly appreciate that," Damian replied, a slight blush appearing on his face, undoubtedly brought about by Cedric's return.

It was evident that once they entered the city, the Qi leakage from the flame would be noticed by various powers. Although no animosity existed between them, it was better to err on the side of caution. Currently, Damian and Christine were utilizing the "a drop in the ocean" technique and the shield crafted by Damian Qi to avoid detection. This way, the Qi remained relatively inconspicuous unless someone specifically focused on the area and noted the denser Qi concentration.

They engaged in casual conversation, in the last few months the relationships between guardians and elders had developed to the point of forming a kinship. Around fifteen minutes passed when they spotted four figures approaching. As they focused their attention, they recognized James, Celia, Jack, and Nathan. Damian felt considerably safer now, as there were two more cultivators in the Seven Realm and one at the Sixth Layer, Jack being the latter. It seemed Jack had somewhat neglected his cultivation in favor of studying alchemy.

After a brief moment, they reached their destination. Jack was the first to speak. "You've finally returned, you little scoundrel," he said, embracing Damian. Damian returned the hug, saying, "I'm back, brother." James and Celia waited patiently for the brotherly reunion to conclude, and then James inquired, "So, Damian, what have you brought back to the city that will cause us a headache?" He had already noticed the origin of the incredibly pure and dense Qi in the area, as well as the increase in temperature.

"It's a white flame that exudes an incredibly dense and pure Qi. We have cultivated using its Qi, and the results have been astonishing. See for yourself," Damian said, releasing his Qi to reveal his cultivation progress.

Jack, James, and Celia gasped audibly. "Ninth layer of the Golden Core Realm. Incredible!" Jack exclaimed, after a moment's pause. "It's truly a treasure. We must take measures to protect it," James stated, with Celia nodding in agreement.

Jack appeared pensive and, after a moment, asked, "Knowing you, you would love to share it with everyone unless it's a finite resource, isn't it?"

"I'm not that softhearted," Damian retorted, met with a smirk from Jack, and he could almost swear he saw a similar expression on Cedric's face. He felt a pang of being targeted but chose not to address it for now. He would have his chance for revenge upon both, Jack and Cedric at the appropriate time.

"Its Qi reserves are amazing. During our usage, we barely made a dent as it continuously replenished the absorbed Qi. However, if used by thousands or hundreds of thousands continuously, its regeneration rate might not keep up with the absorption rate. I'm concerned that constant abuse may diminish its purity or density. Therefore, I have a proposition for the council, but we can discuss it once we return to the clan compound," Damian explained.

Damian, though compassionate, was not naive. He understood that human nature was often driven by greed, especially when it came to something people felt entitled to, whether rightfully or not. That's why he felt the need for additional support. The relationships between the clans were based on a cost-benefit analysis. If the benefits outweighed the costs, they would be willing to offend the Violet Sky clan to possess the flame. Thus, Damian's strategy would be to showcase their strength.

After all, a gathering of several elders from one or more families would attract attention, regardless of the flame's leakage. It was simply impossible to go unnoticed by the families. Therefore, they approached the city cautiously, with all members of the Violet Sky clan utilizing the "a drop in the ocean" technique to conceal their presence.

As they entered the city, they could feel the weight of eyes upon them. It was clear that three elders of the Violet Sky clan had left and swiftly returned with one more elder and an additional elder from the Lambert clan, which raised suspicions among the scouts stationed in the city of other clans. Messages were rapidly dispatched to their respective clans, alerting them to the discovery of a treasure.

Damian's group remained vigilant, expecting not an attack but rather a reprimand for hiding a treasure from the city and not sharing it. Such a situation would have consequences for their commercial relationships and the reputation of the Violet Sky clan—a severe blow.

They were halfway to the clan compound, with only a few more minutes until they reached the entrance where no unauthorized individuals would be allowed to enter.