34 Inscription items

Damian enjoyed his tea, he could notice small notes of some sort of fruit, but he didn't know the spiritual herb that had been used. He was not an Alchemist nor a tea master for that matter, so his knowledge of spiritual herbs was limited to the original knowledge bestowed by Tian Long and what little he had learned from his conversations with Jack and Cedric. After a few moments, he noticed Violet standing at a respectful distance in front of him, her face spoke of a saleswoman ready to hear the needs of a client to deliver her goods.

Damian didn't make her wait long as with a calm demeanor he spoke "I appreciate and thank the hospitality shown by the Markov clan. Ms. Violet I would like to request that you can show me your highest quality goods related to the craft of inscriptionism"

Violet wore a courteous smile while her eyes flashed with information thinking about the goods that she should display to secure a sale. After a few moments, she excused herself to retrieve the goods not before making sure to instruct the maids to cater Damian every need.

Nathan and Christine had sat at the table beside Damian, they were sipping on a cup of coffee served by the maids this coffee was also made with spirit grains. After all, with the transformation of the planet spiritual energy was abundant in the planet everything had been affected by it, it was pretty common that even mundane things like plants of coffee absorbed Qi from the environment after the great metamorphosis, as the people of Violet Sky city had decided to refer to the arrival of Tian Long and the transformation of the planet.

Damian in less than the time that incense stick burns Violet returned with four clerks all of them wore gray robes with red strips on the collar each of them held an item, Violet didn't miss a beat as she spoke: "Esteemed Elder Damian, these are the best items our Markov Auction house has to offer regarding inscriptionism"

Damian took a quick glance over the items the first one was a folded piece of leather, it most likely belonged to an intermediate golden core beast, it seemed like it had been expertly produced and minimal had been made to the skin, therefore it was quite useful for the creation of good craftings. The second one was a brush that exuded a strong Qi, this brush was similar to the one Damian had however the inscriptions on it made him of a better quality, Damian recognized the inscriptions on the brush it would make it flow easier while inscribing it would also be able to filter a specific type of element to inscribe, really it would make the process of inscription a little easier.

The third one was a jian sword the blade was made of white jade, the edge of the blade had a beautiful blue hue, the handguard was made of green silver, the pommel was of pure white jade, while the sword hilt was made of black rood wood. He read the inscriptions, they would cause the air resistance when swinging the sword would be reduced by at least half, making it able to go faster, it also had inscriptions to make the Qi flow more easily on the blade. It had even an inscription to make the blade store Qi in order to be used to unleash techniques, of course with what Damian could deduce, it would take the blade at least two days to be fully charged and could unleash at maximum capacity a late golden core attack, it was quite a useful item really. However, for Damian none of those really picked his interest.

For the demon beast leather, he could hunt one of better quality, for the brush he could make one of little less quality, for the sword although it was a really good sword, he preferred to have one custom made to his linking and then inscribe it himself, it seems he had overestimated how many people had chosen the inscriptionist path. Therefore he concluded the lack of variety in objects related to the craft.

Then Damian moved his attention to the four and last item, there laid in the hands of the clerk a plain medallion silver in color, he didn't recognize the type of wood used in the crafting of the medallion, and he could neither see any inscription, this in itself piqued his interest.

Violet finally noted interest in Damian and spoke: As expected from the strongest cultivator in our city you can easily distinguish the treasures apart from the rubbish"

Damian, Christine, and Nathan made an incredulous face, hadn't she said that these objects were the best they had to offer? yet they suddenly turned to trash. Violet noted the faces of the three but continued to speak "This object is a transmission medallion, basically, it's a substitute for cellphones. Truth be told this is the only piece as of now, but we expect they will soon be used by the important figures of the city especially when outside, it has a transmission range of 1000 miles and is made of silver moon blossom"

Damian was surprised to be honest he hadn't really thought about it but it made sense, he also deducted that the reason he didn't see any inscriptions was because they were inside the medallion. Damian didn't show this surprise on his face, however, as he nonchalantly asked "You said this is the only piece, why it is so?"

Violet swiftly responded, "This is due that it's the first one made by our clan leader, she will make more of them but they are exhausting to create and with the limited time she has with her responsibilities as the clan leader, it will be a while until she is capable of producing several ones of those."

"I see, they were made by clan leader Markov, she is an exceptional inscriptionist it seems. How much does it cost?"

Violet hesitated, aware that the price was exorbitant, but her clan leader aimed to keep the item exclusive to prevent overworking herself and to ensure an influx of spirit stones to the clan.

Damian saw Violet face showing a faint hesitation and had a foreboding feeling.

"10 green spirit stones" said Violet, truth be told the green spirit mine was able to produce one million spirit stones every seven years, and even an elder of the Violet Sky clan only earned 15 such stones every year so the price was basically more than half than Damian yearly wages.