A hero

Valdel had decided to head out to search for the missing family members of the other students. First he headed to the adventurers guild to see if Ren and the others returned. After asking around he was informed that they haven't returned yet.

Valdel decided to leave a note he handed it to one of the receptionists and asked her if she could give it to Ren when he returns. Once he was done doing that, Valdel headed back to his dorm room and started to prepare for his trip. He didn't bother telling the Principal about his leave of absence since each student in the academy has an allotted six days of free time that you may use any time you wish during the year.

This was incentive was made because most of the students of the academy were nobles and they were allowed that much freedom.


While Valdel was preparing for the trip, Zwei turned into her human form sat behind him and spoke.