Bad News

Ren hearing the crowd screaming Iselv's name couldn't help but chuckle. The speech he just made was a copy of the speech he heard one of the heroes say to his people. It might also be a human king who said it, but he could never remember. To Ren back in the day, all that asked for a fight were treated equally and had the same end, death. So knowing if they were a hero or a king didn't really matter, to him it was only if they could put up a decent fight or not. 

While Ren was reminiscing about his past life, he saw Galius approaching him. The old knight was walking with a lot of caution in his steps. His form, his aura, everything about him was showing that he was about to fight his final battle. Ren was feeling excited when he saw this. Ever since he saw the old knight back when they first arrived in town, he always wanted to see the real limits of his swordsmanship.