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The following day after Ren dealt with the curse assassin, Hilda spent most of her time comforting her little sisters about their mother's death. As that was happening, Lara came back to report to Ren about the completion of her mission. Ren then told her that she needed to patrol the area for the meantime while he leaves the city. Valdel wanted to join Ren on his trip, but in the end, he decided to accompany Lara on her patrol. 

Ren also called for Iselv, Kithra, and Stephan. He told Iselv to learn noble etiquette from the fallen nobles. He then ordered Kithra and Stephan to help Iselv in running Grenton. He gave the three of them some of his initial ideas on what to do. The main point focusing on two things, education and military might.