The Sword Princess versus the Silent Death

After throwing one of the short swords Ashley started dashing forward. The moment the short sword hit the arrow it deflected it and continued heading towards Lara in breakneck speed. Lara was quick to react as she deflected the incoming sword with her gauntlet. But the moment Lara deflected the sword, Ashley was already in front of her slashing another sword down.

Lara had no time to dodge was forced to block the incoming slash by letting go of her bow and arrows and crossing her arms. The sword hit Lara's gauntlets making a clanging sound. Lara was surprised to feel how heavy the sword strike was. Still, that attack wasn't enough to penetrate her defense. Lara was then about to counter using a kick, but she was disrupted as Ashley suddenly let go of the sword she was holding. 

Lara finally noticed that two more swords were falling from above her head. Lara then quickly jumped backward while trying to chant.