The end of the battle

Usually, Niel would've listened to that tiny voice that was telling him to retreat. He didn't really like to do anything if he wasn't a hundred percent sure, but this time he had no choice. He had used most of his hidden cards in this battle, and a lot of his men have fallen. If he retreats now after using everything he has, then even if he does win the throne his reign would not last. The people of Reschbeauch revere strength above all else. If he retreats and his brother dies in this battle, he would be branded a coward. So the moment he takes the throne, he was sure that a revolt would happen. 

So this was his only chance, now that Ren was out of the way he just needed to get rid of Lara and Valdel and victory would be his. Knowing how strong the two were Niel was about to use their bloodlines forbidden technique, but before he could do so he heard a scream.

