Kerrolan Forest

In a tavern inside the adventurers guild within the capital city of the Serbek Kingdom, a very weak-looking boy was waiting for his turn to be called by the receptionist. This boy was wearing the uniform of the famous Mages school, Rulwarry, Institute Of The Arcane.

While he was waiting, the boy could hear various rumors being spread, as people who were gossiping left and right could be heard. 

"Did you hear that those idiots from the Reschbeauch Kingdom are saying we're being controlled by Demons. How can those wimpy demons that only talk about love and peace be controlling this Kingdom behind the scenes?" 

"What kinds of nonsense is that? Well, that's not as bad as the new king of Reschbeauch proclaiming that the Grand Mage is dead. We just saw him last week telling us not to believe the utter nonsense the people from Reschbeauch are saying." 
