Side Chapter: The ORIGIN

In the emptiness before time, before the flow moved forward, backward, upward, or downward, or anywhere at all, before the very first concept was born, there was nothing and in that nothingness, a being of unknown power was born. The unknown power was the first sentient life. It existed before the beginning and it will exist beyond the end.

This being was the ORIGIN, of course, this was a name that was later made for it. Its real name cannot be pronounced nor could it even be thought about. It had no shape or form, it was a part of the nothingness at the same time it went beyond it.

The ORIGIN was the only being that had a sense of self. In its boredom, the concept of time was created. In its contemplation reality came into existence. With its dreams, the universes had burst forth. Like him, his dreams had no beginning and no end.