No longer fighting

Kretos was in another city, he was there to fight another match in the tournament. To his and everyone's surprise, when the match began Kretos's opponent started hitting himself. 

"What the f*ck are you doing?!" Kretos shouted at his opponent. He was confused as to why his opponent would do this. When Kretos approached his opponent, he saw his opponent's eyes were suddenly filled with resolve and the opponent broke his own arm and legs. 

The commentator and the audience were unaware of what was transpiring and were as confused as Kretos. Seeing as the other side was no longer able to continue the commentator announce the winner. 

"Due to Nekrea being unable to continue the winner of this match is the slayer of a thousand demons, Kretos!" Even though the commentator had announced the victor no one cheered. Kretos who usually leaves quickly after a match just stood there dumbfounded.