Final battle of a lonely demon lord

Kir was the first to take action and with a speed that went beyond the speed of sound. Kir created a sonic boom by simply moving and was ready to slash at Kretos using his claws. Kretos summoned pillars of ice to block Kir's path, but Kir was able to slice them apart.

As Kir sliced through the numerous pillars of ice with his claws, a spear suddenly appeared from beyond the wall of ice. Kir was quick enough to knock it over, but he noticed that Kretos was no longer in front of him. With Kir's sense of smell, he should be able to smell Kretos's scent, but to his surprise, he couldn't get a whiff of his scent at all. Kretos had disappeared, it was at that moment Kir remembered Kretos's original profession, assassin.