Demon Lord vs Hero Party

"I really didn't want to use this spell on you, children. I like you four and I actually saw you four as my grandchildren." 

When Sora and the others heard what Jeter said they almost spat out blood. They knew that even though Jeter looked like a middle-aged man, the truth was Jeter was actually a few hundred years old already. To demons, this might not be so shocking but for a human to have this kind of life span meant he was either a semi-divine being or he did something taboo. Obviously, the latter seems more likely than the former, which made the four of them shudder by the thought that this old man thought of them as something like that. 

"What are you planning on doing?" Even though they couldn't move the four of them could still talk, so Sora asked the question all of them were thinking. 

"I just want us to continue on our journey as before. We have been given a mission and we should fulfill that mission."