Something odd

After announcing the first battle for tomorrow morning, Henrietta also announced that each quarter-final match will be held once per day. Once she was done with her announcement the crowd started to disperse while talking about the battles they had witnessed. 

"This year's tournament is crazy."

"Who knew so many geniuses would come this year." 

"Yeah, usually we get to see only one of those every nine years, but this year eight of them actually came out at the same time." 

"Not only that, but more than half of them are beauties! Different varieties of beauties. I thought that Henrietta was the pinnacle but after seeing those ladies, my worldview expanded." 

"Yeah you're right, just thinking about Lara's cold eyes looking down on me, makes me shiver in delight." One of the men shuddered in ecstasy as he imagined Lara's cold and beautiful face looking at him as if he was a bug. His companions looked at him and took some distance.