First semi-final match

"Today we're going to change the rules a bit due to various circumstances. So this time the two semi-final matches will happen one after the other. After the morning match, ends the next match will be held after a two-hour lunch break. So without further ado let's see who gets to fight in the first match!" 

Henrietta spoke with as much gusto as she could muster. Despite the crowd being a bit lethargic Henrietta continued her job as the emcee with the same energy she started with. She then picked out two names randomly. 

"The morning match will be between Valdel and Lara!" After announcing the matchup Henrietta waited for the crowd to react, but after a few seconds, all she got was low volumed claps.

"I heard these two contestants are childhood friends and have been taught by the same master. Surely the upcoming match will be one for the ages!"