This is not the end

Valdel and the others within the smaller dome of malice saw what happened and was surprised as to how Ren was easily subduing the primordial demon. They couldn't even see how he did it, all they saw was him lifting his hands. Those that have better perception noticed Ren's hand blurring but that was it. None of them was able to witness that first slash, nor the subsequent ones. That one move of his was such a Godly technique that many were in awe. 

'How powerful have you become Ren? How far will you go, will it be in a place that I cannot follow?' Valdel clenched his fist as he was frustrated, his childhood friend that used to be near his level was now moving further away from him. Even though he was always praised as a genius, even though he tried his hardest to keep up, Ren was always ahead of him. Now his back was slowly fading from right in front of him. 'How can catch up to you if you keep on sprinting forward?'