Let's go to war

When Ren saw the crying Lara he was surprised. Ever since a few months ago Lara's emotions seem to be all over the place. The once stoic Lara was now expressing her emotions more often and more vividly. She cried when she felt sad, she shouted when she was angered, she smiled when she was happy. If it was before this, she would never do something like that no matter the situation. 

Also before she would only focus on Ren, but as of recently, he noticed that she had acquired some hobbies. She secretly goes out to practice dancing and singing. She also started to take interest in eating, not just eating because it was a necessity, she's now eating more than usual because she actually likes it. This also led her to start to take interest in cooking.

Yet this time it wasn't just a short burst of emotion it seemed like something that was lacking within Lara was filled. Ren didn't say anything as he waited for Lara to finish crying.