Exchange between a mortal and a deity

The Goddess of Light suddenly felt an overwhelming pressure coming from Ren. The pressure made her feel like she was back to being a mortal again. She felt like she saw the battlefield of old embodied by Ren. It has been such a long time since she felt such dread. She hated it, she hated this feeling of uncertainty Wasn't she a Goddess, didn't she go beyond this mortal feeling of fear? Isn't this person in front of her just a mortal man, that she should be able to squish like a bug whenever she pleases? 

The Goddess of Light gritted her teeth and felt anger not at the man before her but at herself. She already sacrificed so much to gain the strength and followers she had. Was that all meaningless? 

While the Goddess of Light was feeling overwhelmed by her own feelings, Ren's companions were looking at him with astonished expressions. Valdel couldn't believe in the power Ren was currently emitting.