Morning workout

In the back of Kor's mansion was an open field used for training. Right now Ren was standing in the middle of the field while Kor, Mir, and Valdel had surrounded him. At this moment Ren had requested the three of them to fight him with all their might. 

Kor wasn't going to attack so he was looking at Ren's movements to see what he would do and depending on who Ren attacks Kor would use his body to defend that person. If it was Kor that Ren would attack, then the others could use that chance to attack Ren. 

Mir was extremely tense at the moment as he knew that among the people present here he was the weakest. Not to mention the battle that he had witnessed before where Ren fought an actual Goddess still lingered in his mind. Standing right in front of him was a mortal man who could fight a Goddess and live to tell the tale, this made Mir feel anxious.