World Deity

Ren was shocked by the scene before him, as out of nowhere all of those from the Temple of Light that were still alive suddenly pulled out similar-looking daggers and stabbed themselves in their hearts. Ren couldn't understand why they did that. These people even as they were losing would never succumb to despair as their belief in their Goddess was unshakeable, so it wasn't possible that have committed suicide out of despair. 

As Ren was getting confused as to what was happening, it was at that very moment he felt massive energy from above. Ren immediately understood what was happening as the vicious smile on his face grew even wider. 

"Tsukiyomi, stand aside and let me deal with this! If you get in my way I will never forgive you!" Seeing the excitement on Ren's face Tsukiyomi shrugged her shoulders and sighed. She stepped to the side to watch the coming battle.