
John started looking around the weapon shop and he found that it was even bigger than he initially expected it to be. He had been walking for half an hour now and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight. He had tried to pick a weapon to look at but it was as Alphonso said, it was the weapons that choose the master. The weapons wouldn't allow him to pick them up as they told him he wasn't their destined one. 

John sighed as he continued looking for a weapon that would accept him. A few hours had passed and he still could not find a suitable weapon for himself. 

"Having trouble picking a weapon?" 

John turned around and saw Alphonso sitting on top of a shelf eating an unknown object that looks similar to bread. He was munching onto his food as his eyes stared at John, who felt a little unnerved by his stare. 

"... It seems you were right about me, I guess I wasn't worthy of any of the weapons here,"