Actual battle

Seeing how powerful the current incarnation of the Strongest Mortal Soul was, Richard felt relieved. It seems that the upcoming battles weren't so hopeless after all. As long as Ren fights with all of his power defeating the other party isn't as absurd a thought as before.

"I can already guess what you're thinking, and I hate to break it to you but the truth is, the battle against the ORIGIN will be despair inducing even for someone like me. It's normal if you think about it, what I want to fight is the creator of all things in our multiverse. Since you want to be a part of this fight doing your own thing, I want to emphasize once again that this is a battle that must be fought, but it is a losing battle. I will remind you one last time, defeat means extinction and victory means wishing for a miracle. So do what you must with the resolve of total demise."