No one tells me what my limits are!

"So are you going to come with me quietly to meet our creator the ORIGIN?" The white mass of laws that was called an Old God spoke. 

"Heh, even if you are somehow able to capture me do you even know where the ORIGIN was sealed?" 

"It doesn't matter if I don't know the location of the sealed universe. The malice, the madness that keeps creeping into my very soul is getting stronger meaning the seal that has been placed is weakening. Even though the ORIGIN still hasn't been fully released, he still has pseudo-omnipresence. I know an area where he has full dominion over even in his sealed state. I just need to offer you up in that location." 

"So that's how you plan to do things... Well, my answer is obvious." Ren raised Snertal and pointed it at the Old God. 

"As expected."