Assault on Death

The once-silent kingdom of death had become noisy the sound of battle could be felt throughout the entire kingdom. Blod and Tenma had turned into their true Dragon forms as they battled against Death, the destruction the two Dragons brought was huge. Just the breath of the two had destroyed a large portion of Death's kingdom.

In the midst of a battle between giants bigger than planets were two human-sized ants who also attacked the darkness. This was, of course, Frieda and Erste who despite their sizes were able also to cause significant damage. 

"You four truly are powerful even in my own kingdom were my power is at its highest you four are still able to fight." Even though Death had been continuously attacked and destroyed he just kept on coming back. 

[We have distracted him, you guys go and get back the heart!] Tenma communicated with Skatt through telepathy. 

[Alright brother, try not to die.]

[You too.] 
