
It had been a few weeks since the Hit It Battle Mages tournament. The boys were all getting into the rhythm and flow of their routines as trainees. They had training for most of the day, split up between Power Designing and Magic-Channelling. Hoseok had his own Battle Mage classes and also he attended Spirit Calling classes.

They had many trainees come and go. Even though it had only been a few weeks, many had been brought in yet they wouldn't even last a week, some not even managing a day. But they continued to train regardless of who came and went.

As the team was mainly comprised of Underground Magic-Channellers, they needed to have a Spirit Caller to even things out. As Hoseok hadn't learnt any Magic-Channelling, he was chosen to learn Spirit Calling.

Becoming a Spirit Caller was a difficult thing for many to pick up.

Where a Magic-Channeller focused on understanding and channelling their Energy Flux and focusing that power through Word's, a Spirit Caller's route was different.

They still used the Energy Flux and relied on Word's to call out their power, but they also had another realm they had to tap into. Spirit Calling involved the Adept having to reach in to the Spirit Realm.

Spirit's were powerful beings that would be summoned by Spirit Callers to battle, to heal, to empower or to destroy. Spirit's had a lot of power, and the stronger Spirit's needed a powerful Spirit Caller to call it out.

It also had an increased difficulty to properly summoning a Spirit. You need to get your energy on a certain frequency for the summoning to be successful.

This was called Spirit Alignment.

Even if you had your Energy Flux flowing properly and enabled the right usage of Word's, the Calling would still fail if you couldn't reach the right level of Spirit Alignment.

And this was the hurdle that Hoseok was currently facing. Being able to hold and maintain the right frequency for the correct amount of time was proving difficult for him.

Although Spirit Alignment could be learnt to a degree, most Spirit Callers were born with a natural affinity. Learning and developing it was a much harder path to walk. But Hoseok knew and had seen how powerful the other hyungs were, so he knew he needed to step up to the plate if he wanted to be of use to the team.

Back at the dorm, living with a group of Magic-Channellers, he also learned a bit from observing them. He had begun to learn more about Magic-Channelling from watching them train and play around.

There was an Underground Magic-Channelling training method called Codex. It involved being in a group and bouncing off Word's. A lot of the time, the Word's were all created on the spot. They would create a piece of energy and continue adding to it on the spot. This allowed you to develop a firmer grasp on the Energy Flux while also gaining ideas on new Word's to create and their usage.

Although he wasn't a Magic-Channeller, he would join the boys at the dorm when they would go through rounds of Codex, slowly learning how to control and release energy like a Magic-Channeller. They were all impressed with his skill and speed of learning. Even as a beginner he continued to shock them.

Yoongi continued to develop as a Magic-Channeller but also spent a lot of time Power Designing. He worked as both a Word Smith and a Rune Scribe.

His understanding of the Energy Flux caused him to be a very effective Rune Scribe, it helped him harness power and infuse it into Rune's, allowing not only his power but also the power of those around him to increase substantially.

He wasn't as open and sharing as the rest of the group and preferred to hole himself up in the Workshop for hours at a time. He would sometimes work late into the night and end up sleeping there, he would then wake up and continue working.

And still, on the side, he had small jobs here and there to make extra money. He had come from a poor family and did his best to make money and provide for himself. Even with all of this, he still continued to grow as an Adept.

Namjoon seemed to grow at an unprecedented pace. He grew as a Magic-Channeller while also learning and developing as a Power Designer. He pushed himself while also seeing how the team was as a unit. He would frequently talk to Iron about the direction of the group and how to push their training. He then had an idea that he brought up to Iron. Iron agreed and let him handle it, so Namjoon went to see Hitman Bang.

Hitman Bang was very pleased with the progress of the team and was excited to try and push them to higher heights. So when Namjoon entered his office with an excited yet nervous face, he was curious as to what he wanted.

"Bang Pdnim. I talked this over with Hun-cheol, and we know of someone who would meld well with the team. He is a strong Underground Magic-Channeller. But he is also a really unique Power Designer. I think having him on the team will allow us to grow even more."

Hitman Bang hadn't expected this. To recommend another Magic-Channeller to join was a surprise. They had gone through a few Magic-Channellers over the past few weeks, yet none of them could keep up and stay on par with the Hun-cheol, Ikje, Namjoon and Suga. Even Hoseok had a better grasp on it then they had and he wasn't a Magic-Channeller.

Hitman Bang nodded his head, curious to see what this new trainee would be like.

"Very well, what is his name?"

Kim Namjoon handed Hitman Bang a piece of paper.

"Shin Donghyuk. 16 years old. Codename: Supreme Boi."

Hitman Bang read over the piece of paper. He was intrigued by what he read. Also, the fact that Namjoon brought this specifically to him, he knew that this young man would be anything but normal. Hitman looked over Namjoon's shoulder to the door. He could feel energy pulsating from behind the door.

"You brought him here already. He may as well come in."

Namjoon smiled. He had a feeling Hitman Bang would sense Donghyuk, even he could feel his energy. He was clearly nervous.

Namjoon opened the door and let him in. Donghyuk entered and bowed to Hitman Bang. Hitman Bang smiled and nodded.

"I'm giving you a week to prove yourself. With Namjoon's recommendation, I'm sure you won't disappoint. Namjoon take him to the others. He will be staying with you all as well."

Namjoon sighed. The dorm sure is getting more and more cramped.

Outside, the boys were waiting for them. Obviously they all knew about Donghyuk trying to become a member. As they exited, Namjoon and Donghyuk had smiles on their faces.

"He has a week to prove himself, I think it's a given."

The boys cheered and went out to dinner together; even the ever elusive Yoongi joined them. That night they ate and laughed. The next day, they went back into their training, pushing themselves to go to a new level.

After the week, Donghyuk had proved himself and became a part of the team. Each day they continued to train, grow and become stronger Adepts. Although they were training to be Renegade Adepts aiming to fight on the big stage, they were still Underground Adepts. And they needed an outlet.

Hun-cheol and Namjoon approached Donghyuk with an idea. They spent a few days talking over the specifics then they were ready.

The other members were curious as to what they were doing. Ikje, Yoongi and J-Hope came over to Hun-cheol, Namjoon and Donghyuk.

"What are you three up to?"

They smiled.

"Gonna go out to play. You guys want to join? It'll be a fun show."

The three smiled and nodded in response and followed the boys out of the dorm.

It was time to cause some trouble.