The Volleyball Match [Part 2]

The match soon continued on.

The opponent immediately went on full offense.

In a instant they made a spike directly on the volleyball causing the ball to go over the nets.

As soon as the volleyball approaches , it was clear that it was going for Tsuna.

"It's headed to your way! Tsuna!" Yamamoto warned him.

This cause Tsuna to be surprised as he have no idea on what to do next.

"Go for it!!" The rest of the team members than supported him.

This caused Tsuna to jump and to go against the volleyball that is approaching him.

Tsuna's action have caused the entire crowd to go rowdy as they began to cheer for him.

The suspense reaches its maximum when the volleyball is almost close to Tsuna.


However , as expected Tsuna failed really badly in countering the volleyball.

Due to the fact , that he spiked too early or even jumped too early , it ended up causing Tsuna's head to collide with the incoming volleyball.

The recoil by the collision ended up causes Tsuna to fall flat down into the ground.

Immediately , the crowd's regular rowdy mood have went down in disappointment.

Resulting in Tsuna confidence level to go down.

To add salt to the wound , Gokudera than proceeds to insult Tsuna who was still on the ground recovering from the damage.

"How pathetic."

However , Yamamoto immediately came in to the conversation to cheer up Tsuna from feeling down

"Don't mind , don't mind!"

"We'll just win the next round!"


However , the situation continuously worsen as time passed by.

Tsuna who although tried his best to contribute , ended up not helping much at all as he is not really a athletic or someone with a strong physical state.

The numerous mistakes that Tsuna have made have caused the crowd to immediately lose their mood as it was clear to them that 1-A will not be able to make a comeback after encountering a situation such as this.


The Volleyball match first set was finally over.

With the score being 21 - 03 with 1-C clearly being the winning team.

Tsuna was clearly exhausted by the fact that he could not help a single bit.

However , the rest of the team thinks otherwise as they started to shout at Tsuna

"Are you even trying , Tsuna!?"

"If you're just gonna mess around , leave!"

"We're being serious for winning this match!"

This caused Tsuna to be ashamed as he started to think of a excuse before realizing that his teammates was actually riddled with injuries.

This caused Tsuna to realize something as he proceeds to look at Yamamoto.

As expected Yamamoto was also injured with wounds equally bad as the others.

A realization than struck Tsuna as he finally understands that everyone have been working hard to achieve victory.

Tsuna was completely disappointed with his himself , that instead of trying his very best.

He only find the easy way out of situations.

All those realization have finally made Tsuna to regain his determination and courage once more.

He'll do whatever it takes to achieve victory for his friends.


On the spectator's area as usual ,

Reborn finally gave a grin at Tsuna's current attitude as he said

"You finally realize."

Pulling his trigger once more , two bullets was soon found flying toward Tsuna's legs before removing its shell to reveal a blue flame.

Soon the flame was completely absorbed inside Tsuna's legs , as the recoil made Tsuna fell again.

However not realizing much , the match continues on.

As usual , the opponent decides to target the flaws of our team also known as Tsuna.

However unlike the usual failure that he will make , Tsuna suddenly jumped at a height that was thought to be impossible.

Blocking the incoming ball with ease , but as a result the ball was than slammed right into his crotch.

This immediately caused Tsuna to be in a ton of pain which instantly causes his eyes to pop out.

However , the crowds went wild as Tsuna have used the man's most important area to block which have earned him a lot of respects from the male spectators.

The mood of the team went back to its original state as everyone was feeling determine due to Tsuna's influences which affected their mindset.


As a result , 1-A have managed to make a comeback and Tsuna managed to regain his honor through a unique kind of teamplay.

After the end of the match , 1-A finally won over 1-C.

This was completely a miracle for Yamamoto and the group of boys.

Everyone in the crowd , once again was celebrating with their shouts resounding across the gym.


It was at this moment when a message than proceeds to appear out of the void as it reads

[Task Completed!]

[1] Ensure that the Volleyball Match today is a success for Sawada Tsunayoshi.

Reward : + 50 EXP , + 25 EXP [Title Effects]

Although it was close but I still did not managed to level up.

It seems to me that level 10 was still far for me.


However , the fun part ended short for me.

While everyone is still celebrating their victory ,

Gokudera than proceeds to approach me.

Clearly he did not want to talk as he communicated to me through sign language.

Although it was a little unusual at first but I still understand the general idea of what he said


It seems like it is about time for me to confront against the power of Gokudera Hayato.
