
In a corner of the universe, a colorless and formless smoke condensed and swirled as if someone was mixing it in a cauldron. Eventually, it starts to have a pure black color to it. After several more rounds of swirling, an opaque sphere began to form, with several wisps of black mist coiling around it.

After eons of condensation, a shock wave with unimaginable amount of force slammed against the sphere, causing it to tremble slightly. Once the wave subsided, traces of white mist was could be seen violently ramming into the sides of the sphere, as if it wanted to break out of its confinement.

Instantly, web-like cracks started to form on the surface of the sphere and soon enough, it shot into the distance at an incredible speed, travelling passed several planets and galaxies in the blink of an eye with a trail of white mist behind it.

Its speed was so fast that it caused the surrounding void to distort, but after crashing through several planets, it started to slow down, but still at a fast speed nonetheless.

Countless years later.

The spherical black mass started to speed up towards a planet as it was attracted by its gravitational force.

Upon reaching the outermost surface of the planet, it continued its descend towards the planet with flames engulfing its exterior. It crashed into a mountainous area and upon impact, a loud BANG could be heard throughout the whole region as it devastated everything in its 100 miles radius.

As the smoke and dust from the crash cleared, the shadow twirled up in a ball of pure black mist and silently floated there. The white mist was finally released.


"My king, you summoned this old man?" An old man with a wrinkled face knelt before the Human Emperor. His silver beard and long white hair, together with his pure white robes, touched the golden tiles of the palace, emanating a sagely aura.

"Heavenly Diviner, this king suddenly felt a chill down my spine. You have to know that no one in this continent can threaten me to this extent. Divine out what caused this," The Human Emperor replied with a commanding tone that befitted a king. He was draped in a golden robe with drawings of dragons all around it.

"Yes, My King." Immediately, the eyes of the Heavenly Diviner emitted out a dazzling golden light, his hands started to form various gestures in the air. With each gesture, a golden light would take its place, slowly forming a circle with complex drawings in it.

After a few moments, the golden circle flashed and disappeared. With a pale face, the Heaven Diviner once again knelt before the king and stuttered, "M-My King, t-this one deserves to die!"

"Speak... I won't punish you," The Human Emperor softly sighed with an annoyed look.

"My King. The future showed that destruction will rain down on the Mortal and Immortal Realm. Those that stand in its path will face its wrath. All the kings will bow before it," With a single breath, the Heavenly Diviner rattled out like a machine gun.

The atmosphere turned tense and it became deathly quiet.


The arm rest of the jade throne exploded into pieces. What replaced it was a tightly gripped fist that contained a terrifying force. The Human Emperor slowly stood up, with his hand behind his back, he glared into the distant, his eyes containing traces of fury.

"Tell me. Who is it?" He softly spoke. Although his voice was soft, every word he spoke was intimidatingly loud in the Heavenly Diviner's ears.

Filled with trepidation, the Heavenly Diviner spoke, "Forgive this one for not knowing. But I know that it originates from the dark forest region."

"Follow my orders. Gather the Elite War Generals and mobilize half of the palace's troops. It's time to clean the region."

"Yes, My King."

After the Heaven Diviner retreated, the Human Emperor recalled the time when he just ascended the throne, where he had to kill several opposing clans and sects, unifying the whole continent with fear. 'Another extermination...Let the blood turn the rivers red.'