Using Water Droplets To Sharpen A Sword

Shadow did not think the Sword Devil would allow him to choose a sword and hence, he was momentarily surprised upon reading the words carved on the wall.

Steadily, Shadow reached out his hand and gripped the handle of the third sword. Even without pulling it out, the large metal broadsword was already towering over Shadow.

Firmly gripping onto the gigantic sword, Shadow lifted it up with both of his hands. However, it did not butch an inch.

Upon seeing this scene, Shadow frowned and channeled Dark Qi into the sword. He then attempted to pull it out again, this time with the aid of Dark Qi.


The layer of dust on the sword was dispelled into the surroundings by the Dark Qi, forming clouds of dust around the sword.

When Shadow looked at the sword again, he realized that it only moved by an inch. 'F*ck!' Shadow could not help but curse in his heart.

Not willing to lose to a lump of metal, Shadow activated all of the Dark Qi in his body and his black core began to rotate. He was going all out!

By using of all his might, the sword began to emerge out of the ground, inch by inch. As it was being pulled out, various spiderweb-like cracks started to form on the ground.


As the sword was completely pulled out from the ground, it emitted out a deep and thundering sound. Marveling at the sword he was holding, Shadow could not help but feel intimidated by it.

The sword was about 1 meter taller than Shadow and it's width was extremely thick for a sword. Just by looking at it, one would shiver uncontrollably. Imagine getting hit by it...

Suddenly, Shadow started to feel like fainting; The Dark Qi in his body was about to be depleted and the black core was churning rapidly, pushing it to the limits. Just by holding the sword upright, it required a core formation stage cultivator to use up all his Qi, what more about swinging it.

Shadow instantly dropped the sword at a certain angle, causing a crater of 2 meters. Once he no longer needed Dark Qi to support the sword, the black core in his body began to calm down.


Without giving Shadow any time to rest, another incident soon occurred. As Shadow glanced towards the source of the sound, a giant slab of stone crushed down on the cave entrance, causing it to securely sealed the cave.

Shadow eyes widened and immediately rushed to the entrance of the cave. Using the tiny amount of Dark Qi left, Shadow punched towards the stone debris.

However, just when he made contact with the stones, an unknown force repelled his fist and completely dispersed the Dark Qi in his fist.

All of a sudden, an ancient voice rang out. It was loud yet gentle, causing one to be mesmerized by it. "Do not fret. I am only a wisp of residual will left behind. When you found this cave, it was fate. When you pulled out the sword, you are qualified to inherit my legacy."

It continued, "The third sword. It's name is God Decimating Sword. To train in this sword, one has to stand onto the stone platform and swing the sword one thousand times sideways and another one thousand times vertically. When it rains, water droplets will drip from the top and onto the stone platform. Use the water droplets to sharpen the sword."

"In order to master this technique, the cave would be sealed upon pulling the sword. Any form of attacks is useless. Only by mastering the sword would you be able to get out."

"Work hard." After that, the voice faded into the abyss.

"..." Shadow was speechless. 'Work hard my ass! Using water droplets to sharpen a sword, are you shitting me?!' Shadow's heart was in turmoil.

How long must one take to sharpen a sword using water droplets? one century? Two centuries? To hell with it!

Shadow was extremely frustrated, he did not have the time to stay that long, there was still something that has to be taken care. Shadow got up and once again, relentless landed several punches onto the stones. However, the result was still the same.

At last, Shadow plopped onto the floor, he gave up trying to escape. Giving the large sword in the corner a glance, Shadow helplessly gave a bitter laugh.

Putting everything aside for now, Shadow adopted a seating position and started to cultivate as the Dark Qi in his body was alarmingly low.


As night dawned, the Lands of Despair plunged into a terror house. Various demons roamed the forest in search for prey while several bone-chilling roars could be heard coming from some frightening existence demonic beasts.

However, Shadow was unaffected by it. The cave was surrounded by a layer of mysterious force, preventing anything it from going in and out.

Slowly, Shadow opened his colored eyes. The Dark Qi in his body was almost replenished and his black core was in an extremely stable state. He was at the Core Formation lower stage.

With only one way out of this place, Shadow decided to begin his training. First of all, sharpening the sword...

"I wonder..." Shadow spoke to himself as he took one of the Profound ranked daggers and directed it towards the edge of the God Decimating Sword.


With the clashing between metals, the dagger shattered into a thousand pieces while the colossal sword remained the same as before, not even a single scratch could be seen.

"..." Shadow could not help but gawk at the scene before him. Isn't this way too ridiculous...

With a sigh, Shadow looked around and found the stone platform. It was located at an obscure corner in the distance. Dragging the large sword behind him, Shadow trudged towards the stone platform. By doing so, he could decrease the outflow of Dark Qi to the minimum.

When Shadow reached the platform, he saw several foot prints etched into the stone platform and upon glancing onto the stone walls, he was shocked beyond belief.

The walls were riddled with countless small holes accompanied by deep slashes of various sizes.

"Don't tell me water droplets created the small holes..." Shadow stared in disbelief as he wondered who in the world was this terrifying Sword Devil.

However, after giving it a thorough analysis, the end result was even more shocking.

As the water droplets dripped from the ceiling, this senior wielded the colossal sword and directed all the water droplets to the side of the wall, not letting even a single droplet dripped onto the floor.

Shadow gave a helpless sigh before picking himself back up. Stepping onto the stone platform and gripping onto the colossal sword with both hands. 'One thousand horizontal swings, here I come.'