
In the land far above the seventh heaven of the Enlightened Realm laid a vast sealing formation made of stars. This sealing formation exuded an air of pure ancientness, as if it had been in existence since the beginning of time itself. However regardless of all its power the formation couldn't stop the slow withering of time.

In the middle of this sealing formation was an anomaly. This anomaly was a lack of existence, the very concept of nothingness. Anything that came in contact with it was simply gone, as if never having existed in the first place.

At the epicenter of the nothingness a very visible change was occurring. A shape was slowly extending out of the nothingness, first distorting and then erasing the space surrounding it. It was a glowing and vibrant ephemeral hand which reached out and tapped the brightest star in the formation. A single sharp cracking sound rang out and then the formation simply disappeared, vanishing with no trace of it having ever existed.

The destruction of the formation triggered the forming of a huge vortex and a massive amount of energy began rushing towards the center of the anomaly and coalesced into a vaguely humanoid shape. Time seemed to slow as the energy rushed faster and faster into the vessel until suddenly everything stopped.

A female figure slowly floated upward out of the vortex. The figure was nude but seemed unaware of this fact as she slowly opened her eyes. She had the most average of facial features and body types, as if depicting the most ready example of a mortal woman. Her name was Hua Jin.

However one thing proved without a doubt that this was no mortal; her eyes. Eyes no mortal or god could possess. Her eyes were a void that contained nothing, but caused the surrounding space to tremble. Reaching out a hand she casually grabbed the surrounding space and with contemptuous ease turned the space into a hooded cloak which she proceeded to smoothly wear. Her nudity no longer an issue she then reached into space and drew out several obscure symbols that floated in the air. The symbols joined together and formed a portal which she then reached into, withdrawing a necklace. This necklace was her spatial artifact that contained all her belongings. Due to its important contents she had hid it under several highly powerful formations.

Having both her clothes and her belongings back she looked around as if in search of something. "Where are the others?" she wondered. She looked below and her eyes widened as she scanned all of the lower heavens. "GONE, every single one them" she said not quite believing it. Suddenly something seemed to occur to her and her mood lightened. "They matter not, but my sister… She must be in a separate dimension even more heavily restrained then myself, after all she is the strongest of us all," she consoled herself. To her utter dismay no matter how she looked even her all - seeing eyes could see no sign of her sister. Suddenly she looked up and even with her immense mental fortitude she was shocked.

So in the end my sister was the only one I trusted unconditionally and she betrayed me, truly the higher some ascend the more they change she thought as she looked into the Celestial Realm. Her Sister had increased her power vastly and had started to make her own Dao after mastering the Heavenly Law of Chaos.

However even with her vast increase in power she still could never match me in insight nor in usage of Divine Perception, she thought feeling smug yet infinitely more bitter as she observed her sister enjoying herself in the Celestial Realm. Why? Why betray me sister? After engaging in cultivation for millennia, have family ties become nothing to you she wondered. Calming herself, she entered meditation and entered into a state of contemplation. After 3 days she finally opened her eyes.

After mentally steeling herself she once more looked at the Celestial Realm only to be completely shocked, delighted but also dismayed. "Indeed my eyesight and intuition were right, only my disciple Wei Yi was loyal in the end." She said somberly. To make sure that no chance of revenge occurs they will wipe him out body and soul, preventing any chance at reincarnation she thought angrily.

Suddenly she remembered the promise she had made her student when she had accepted him as her disciple after countless tests.

"As long as you are loyal and diligent I will always be your pillar and support you, no matter what happens in this lifetime or who is against you I will always protect you," She had promised. His answer had shocked her, he had only smiled in response and said "I will be your loyal disciple in this lifetime and any others I have until I am no more, and if I ever become strong enough then I will protect you no matter what." Upon recalling this scene tears flowed down her cheeks incessantly and she couldn't stop crying no matter how hard she tried.

She remembered countless memories of her disciple who had followed her loyally for two millennia. He was shameless and lazy but also cunning, insightful and loyal. He had no family and treated her as his kin, and in the end due to her blind trust in her sister she had implicated him and caused his death in both body and soul.

As she dwelled upon her disciple her tears continued flowing and her regret ran deep, but there was nothing she could do.

As she wept for the loss of her precious disciple she reflexively started meditating so as to calm her mental and emotional state, when she remembered her disciple's main discipline mental energy cultivation.

Her disciple Wei Yi had practiced the Eternal Mind technique for three hundred years and had reached the 2nd level raising his mental energy to a profound level. The Eternal Mind technique had nine levels in total and each level was heads and shoulders above the previous one. The only reason Wei Yi had reached the 2nd level after 300 years was because of his unprecedented talent and aptitude for mental energy cultivation.

The first level of the Eternal Mind technique worked like advanced muscle memory for the mind being able to store information on things that were easy for high level cultivators to remember and do, but were still more trouble than they were worth. Tedious things such as long incantations, ingredients, heavenly materials and heavenly beast classifications were all readily available with no extra effort needed to recall them. For this reason many high level cultivators cultivated at least the first level of the Eternal Mind technique.

Hua Jin herself had no interest in the Eternal Mind technique but she knew that among many things that the second level of the technique allowed for the storage of memory, immediate deployment of formation techniques and complete retention of knowledge contained in Heavenly inheritances.

As she thought about her disciple she absentmindedly reached into her spatial necklace and withdrew her disciple's memory stone. He had entrusted it to her long ago. She readily observed it for a while and just as she was about to put it back she saw it flickering with a weak light.

After making sure it was really reacting – albeit weakly, she immediately looked to the only place his soul could be; The Enlightened Realm. She scanned it quickly, immediately finding and zeroing in on it. His soul was very weak and was causing his body to also deteriorate.

"My dear disciple, you have suffered much for your loyalty, you have no memory of me after reincarnating but I will see you again," she promised aloud to the empty void. Only after uttering the promise did she contemplate how she would fulfill it. For someone as powerful as me who can ascend at any time to reach down into the Enlightened Realm and give him this memory stone is very hard.

Once again she meditated, this time for ten days. During these ten days she had made a final decision on her course of action. She would make sure her disciple ascended to the Celestial Realm and then give him his memory stone. The only problem would be his laziness, usually when people were reincarnated their previous memories and mannerisms were completely erased, however sometimes very strong mannerisms could leave an imprint on the soul itself. Without a doubt Wei Yi's greatest quirk was his laziness, very few people that she had ever met were as lazy as her disciple and this would be his biggest obstacle to ascension.

Talent, he had loads of it.

Will power need not even be mentioned.

However his bane was his laziness which had kept him from nearing ascension in his previous life. On the off chance he was still lazy she would need to give him a helping hand.

She removed from her necklace a glowing silver scythe that seemed to emanate with an air of ambition and arrogance and slowly drew out its essence. After coalescing in her palm, the silver essence flickered like a flame and then gradually under Hua Jin's manipulation it transformed into a coin.

She thoroughly inspected it twice over and smiled in satisfaction.

It was perfect.

Knowing her disciples luck he would acquire this coin as long as it was in his vicinity, looking down at the Enlightened Realm she flicked her hand sending the coin hurtling towards the vast landmass below.

While Wei is in the Enlightened Realm, I will gain my revenge and restart my sect. This time in the

Celestial Realm!

With one last look down at her disciples whereabouts she wished him luck and stepped through a portal that at some time had appeared right below her and disappeared leaving the space above the seventh heaven to return to tranquility.

Little did she know the pandemonium caused by her casually created coin in the Enlightened Realm.